almighty - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of almighty in Hindi
- सर्वशक्तिमान
almighty Definition
- having complete power; omnipotent. ( पूरी शक्ति होना; सर्वशक्तिमान। )
almighty Example
- In this way, every action you take or every value you have carries its own endorsement from the almighty . ( इस प्रकार, आपके द्वारा की जाने वाली प्रत्येक क्रिया या आपके द्वारा दिए गए प्रत्येक मूल्य को सर्वशक्तिमान से अपना समर्थन प्राप्त होता है। )
- There was a strike that looked almost like a fireball and then an almighty power surge. ( एक हड़ताल थी जो लगभग एक आग के गोले की तरह दिखती थी और फिर एक सर्वशक्तिमान शक्ति वृद्धि। )
- These sages of finance obviously forget that the incessant need for the almighty dollar usually steps on the toes of morality. ( वित्त के ये ऋषि स्पष्ट रूप से भूल जाते हैं कि सर्वशक्तिमान डॉलर के लिए निरंतर आवश्यकता नैतिकता के पैर की उंगलियों पर आमतौर पर कदम रखती है। )
- The piece of rock hit the floor with an almighty bang. ( चट्टान का टुकड़ा एक सर्वशक्तिमान बैंग के साथ फर्श से टकराया। )
More Sentence
- Seizing the massive iron handles, he gave an almighty yank, drawing back out of the way.
- And what an almighty car crash of a series it promises to be.
- We were playing outside in the garden this afternoon when there was an almighty roar in the sky.
- The aspirin he had taken had finally started to kick in, and disintegrate his almighty hangover.
- But they departed the stage just ahead of Macca and Bono's entrance and an almighty roar from the crowd.
- My oh my, how that must irritate this part-time demagogue in the almighty press.
- It's time to give some other groups with new ideas who don't worship at the feet of the almighty dollar a chance.
- In two recent cases, public artworks have been at odds with religion and the almighty dollar.
- All this was made worse when she hit a wave front-on and was lifted out of the water, only to crash down again with an almighty splash.
- God does not have to display all his power to show who he is as the almighty .
- Do not let your faith in the almighty and his messenger go away.
- The fact that he has seen the dawning of the sun in the morning means that the almighty power of God is already protecting him.
- With an almighty boom, the laser detonates, tearing a huge chunk of the warship's hull away as it goes.
- Their size certainly belies their power as the pair make an almighty racket with just drums and guitar.
- Don't you think that Katie's open letter at least deserves some kind of response from the almighty corporation?
- At 2pm on Tuesday another almighty noise will reverberate around the Cotswolds and to all jockeys it will be music to the ears.
- Maybe he could really flip himself over with an almighty heave?
- I was woken up this morning by an almighty crash of thunder, there being an almighty storm outside.
- I was puzzling - and chuckling to myself - over this when suddenly the air was filled with an almighty BOOM.
- But in professional sports, the almighty buck isn't as almighty as everyone thinks.
- Everyone is ultimately motivated by self-interest and the pursuit of the almighty dollar.
- The salvation of sinners does not depend on the way we state the truth, but on the almighty power of God.
- One Princeton educated chap was quite shocked to hear that we had our own currency and that we didn't use the almighty Green Back!
- The almighty blogosphere has brought the press to its knees once again.
- In her acceptance speech, the winner thanked the almighty and promised to do even better at the all-India level.
- All around him lesser mortals have given up the true faith to follow the almighty dollar, pound, or Euro.