extension - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of extension in Hindi
- विस्तार
- वृद्धि
- व्याप्ति
- विस्तार-क्षेत्र
- प्रसार
- फैलाव
- आयतन
- आयाम
- संतति
extension Definition
- a part that is added to something to enlarge or prolong it; a continuation.
- addition add-on adjunct addendum augmentation supplement appendage appendix annexe wing supplementary building ell
- a length of electric cord that permits the use of an appliance at some distance from a fixed socket.
- an extra telephone on the same line as the main one.
- the action of moving a limb from a bent to a straight position.
- instruction by a university or college for students who do not attend full time.
- the range of a term or concept as measured by the objects that it denotes or contains, as opposed to its internal content.
- the property of occupying space; spatial magnitude.
extension Example
- you can listen on the extension in the bedroom ( आप बेडरूम में विस्तार पर सुन सकते हैं )
- seizures with sudden rigid extension of the limbs ( अंगों के अचानक कठोर विस्तार के साथ दौरे )
- nature, for Descartes, was pure extension in space ( डेसकार्टेस के लिए प्रकृति, अंतरिक्ष में शुद्ध विस्तार थी )
- they hope to demolish the store and build a bar extension ( वे स्टोर को ध्वस्त करने और बार एक्सटेंशन बनाने की उम्मीद करते हैं )
More Sentence
- contact Liz McDonald on extension 3514
- the extension of the President's powers
- extension courses
- The unprofitable extension of the telegraphs has largely contributed to the loss.
- He'd take the turnpike extension south.
- I do believe some ideals are worth fighting for and, by logical extension, worth killing for—but not many.
- She motioned for me to pick up the extension which I did.
- She moved with the horse as if it were an extension of her body.
- Much accumulated evidence, biological and geological, has pointed to a southern extension of India, an eastern extension of South Africa, and a western extension of Australia into the Indian Ocean.
- The revolutionary and imperial epoch had seen a great development of Italian patriotism, and Santarosa was aggrieved by the great extension given to the Austrian power in Italy in 1815, which reduced his own country to a position of inferiority.
- The extension of the southern boundary line by this decision due westward until it met His Majesty's other governments gave rise, however, to a controversy with New York.
- Instinctive, powerful, and light-footed, he twirled the bo as if it was an extension of him, adapting to his opponent and absorbing any blows that fell to him without flinching.
- she has amazing extension
- the initial term of appointment is for one year, but an extension of two years is envisaged
- the railroad's southern extension
- direct marketing is an extension of telephone selling