explode - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of explode in Hindi
- विस्फोट
- फटना
- विस्फोट करना
- फूटना
- फोड़ना
- विस्फोट होना
- ठहाके से हंसना
explode Definition
- burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, decomposition, excessive internal pressure, or other process, typically scattering fragments widely.
- (of a violent emotion or a situation) arise or develop suddenly.
- increase suddenly or rapidly in size, number, or extent.
- show (a belief or theory) to be false or unfounded.
explode Example
- he can explode with anger ( वह गुस्से से फट सकता है )
- These fields are about to explode with innovation and advancement. ( ये क्षेत्र नवाचार और उन्नति के साथ विस्फोट करने वाले हैं। )
- It didn't explode into lights but fell to her side of the street. ( यह रोशनी में नहीं फटा लेकिन सड़क के किनारे गिर गया। )
- He suspected it was the feeling that he was about to explode and not the cool morning. ( उसे संदेह था कि यह भावना थी कि वह विस्फोट करने वाला था, न कि ठंडी सुबह। )
More Sentence
- She waited for him to explode.
- She'd expected him to explode.
- Some foods can explode in the microwave, due to trapped steam.
- It crystallizes in yellow laminae,which melt at 96° C. and explode at slightly higher temperatures.
- When the bubble pops, the color will explode on the paper.
- The power within him stabilized and filled him until he felt ready to explode.
- She clenched the hourglass, waiting for him to explode.
- Jenn looked calm, but she was squeezing and releasing her fists in a sign that she was ready to explode.
- tension that could explode into violence at any time