exceedingly - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exceedingly in Hindi
- निहायत
- अत्यंत
- अति
- निपट
- बहुत सा
- बहुतायत से
exceedingly Definition
- extremely.
- to a great extent.
exceedingly Example
- the supply multiplied exceedingly ( आपूर्ति बहुत बढ़ गई )
- It is exceedingly shallow, however, and is not of much importance as a waterway. ( हालाँकि, यह अत्यधिक उथला है, और जलमार्ग के रूप में अधिक महत्व का नहीं है। )
- Its functions, which are exceedingly various, are carried out by the different departments into which it is divided. ( इसके कार्य, जो अत्यधिक विविध हैं, विभिन्न विभागों द्वारा किए जाते हैं जिनमें इसे विभाजित किया गया है। )
- It is a colourless pungent gas which is exceedingly soluble in water. ( यह एक रंगहीन तीखी गैस है जो पानी में अत्यधिक घुलनशील है। )
More Sentence
- The Wizard, when he returned to his own room, was exceedingly thoughtful.
- This good and happy news delighted me exceedingly, for then I was sure that I should learn also.
- All that July the old prince was exceedingly active and even animated.
- The state of things on the staff had of late been exceedingly strained.
- Chief Pineiro was exceedingly well thought of by the Hispanic community,
- This figure is exceedingly high in comparison to other advanced countries.
- Third, both sides executed their strategies and tactics exceedingly well.
- And despite its messy look, it is actually exceedingly structured.
- It's difficult to see exceedingly in a sentence .
- The rights it allocates to the State Duma are exceedingly constrained.
- Eberle was heavy on textbook knowledge, exceedingly light on experience.
- They did exceedingly well despite their country's economic collapse.
- Doctors found that he had an exceedingly high tolerance for pain.
- Net reductions in sales and excise taxes have been exceedingly rare.
- He put infinite trouble and time into the work, and many portions of it are exceedingly well done.
- Owing to more or less herbivorous habits, the intestine is exceedingly elongate and much convoluted, being several times larger and of a greater calibre than after the metamorphosis.
- Lydia proper was exceedingly fertile.
- the team played exceedingly well