degeneration - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of degeneration in Hindi
- अध: पतन
- पुनरोदय
- अपकर्ष
- बिगड़ना
- आपजात्य
- भ्रष्ट हो जाना
- अधोगति
- अध:पतन
- अवनति
degeneration Definition
- the state or process of being or becoming degenerate; decline or deterioration.
degeneration Example
- Degeneration of the muscle fibers ( मांसपेशी फाइबर का अध: पतन )
- So, too, degeneration is not to be lightly assumed as the explanation of a simplicity of structure. ( तो, भी, अध: पतन को संरचना की सरलता की व्याख्या के रूप में हल्के में नहीं लिया जाना चाहिए। )
- The variety of special developments of structure accompanying the atrophy of typical organs in the Opisthobranchia and general degeneration of organization is very great. ( Opisthobranchia और संगठन के सामान्य अध: पतन में विशिष्ट अंगों के शोष के साथ संरचना के विशेष विकास की विविधता बहुत महान है। )
- He still has the degeneration, but of no worse degree. ( उसके पास अभी भी अध: पतन है, लेकिन कोई बदतर डिग्री नहीं है। )
- One study found that zinc slowed the progression of macular degeneration. ( एक अध्ययन में पाया गया कि जिंक मैकुलर डिजनरेशन की प्रगति को धीमा कर देता है। )
More Sentence
- It is still not clear how the mutations cause macular degeneration.
- Total blindness is not inevitable from macular degeneration, Grunwald said.
- The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons eventually leads to death.
- He was also concerned about the degeneration of Buddhism in China.
- One study examined a patient with bilateral degeneration of the amygdala.
- The Amsler grid test can be used to diagnose macular degeneration.
- E that introduces a significant negative feedback ( emitter degeneration ).
- Bevacizumab however is not FDA approved for treatment of macular degeneration.
- A survey of the vegetable kingdom indicates that evolution has proceeded, on the whole, from the simple to the complex; at the same time, as has been already mentioned, evidence of reduction or degeneration in common.
- Fatty degeneration is a retrogressive change associated with the deposit of fatty granules or globules in the cytoplasm, and is caused by disorganized cellular activity (figs.
- Muscular degeneration is the most cause of blindness holding the retina.
- Is this another sign of the degeneration due to the lack of the Elements?
- They are also supposed to aid in age related degeneration and heart disease.
- That contributes to the social degeneration upon which the Civil War depends.
- Stress is the single most significant cause of physical and mental degeneration or aging.
- Autolysis is a disintegration of dead tissues brought about by the action of their own ferments, while degeneration takes place in the still living cell.
- When sessile gonophores are produced, they may show all stages of degeneration.
- Uncontrolled and unplanned tourism has led to natural, cultural and social degeneration inside the so-called host nations.
- Gliosis is linked to neuronal degeneration and may explain the loss of the hypocretin cells.
- In some cases, there may not be a specific injury, but the meniscus can tear due to repetitive loads and chronic degeneration.
- Careful annual selection by hand of the best seed is the only way to prevent degeneration.
- The confluence of the regions of the body and the dislocation of apertures from their typical position are results of degeneration.
- overgrazing has caused serious degeneration of grassland