emulate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of emulate in Hindi

  • अनुकरण


  • अनुकरण करना
  • अनुसरण करना
  • प्रतियोगिता करना
  • सोत्साह अनुकरण करना
  • बराबरी करना
  • रोष करना
  • डाह करना

emulate Definition


  • match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation.

emulate Example

  • hers is not a hairstyle I wish to emulate ( उसका कोई हेयरस्टाइल नहीं है जिसका मैं अनुकरण करना चाहता हूं )
  • lesser men trying to emulate his greatness ( कम पुरुष उसकी महानता का अनुकरण करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं )
  • We tried to emulate what we had seen in the morning. ( हमने सुबह जो देखा था उसका अनुकरण करने की कोशिश की। )
  • He tried to emulate the recent success of mine. ( उन्होंने मेरी हाल की सफलता का अनुकरण करने की कोशिश की। )

More Sentence

  • "The white dress, blonde hair and her trying to emulate Annie Quincy...it frightens me," Cynthia said with a shudder.
  • This is a behavior that anyone can emulate; it's vital to your.
  • It is healthy to have role models - people whom we can emulate.
  • Listen and emulate? At least people listened when he played music.
  • Some Bulldog faithful want to emulate their rivals on North Avenue.
  • Slim expects the companies he runs to emulate his spartan style.
  • Instead, there is a nascent black business class to emulate.
  • "Maybe it's emulating Johnny Kelley ."
  • That whole toughness from South-Central, they are emulated.
  • He predicted that more like-minded groups would emulate them.
  • Morton's competitors do not emulate its Stepford Wives consistency.
  • Steve was first of the group to emulate Zeke’s bold achievement.
  • And if you avoid these mistakes while looking for ways to emulate.
  • I swear there is no greatness or power that does not emulate those.
  • They can emulate pretty much anything they examine, Tammas said.
  • His proposals came to nothing, but he continued the struggle at a series of diets, and urged the Germans to emulate the courage and union of the Swiss cantons.
  • They were able to emulate the achievements of their predecessors of twelve months ago.
  • the adaptor is factory set to emulate a Hercules graphics board