electorate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of electorate in Hindi

  • मतदाताओं
  • निर्वाचन क्षेत्र
  • निर्वाचक मण्डल
  • निर्वाचक समूह


  • निर्वाचन-क्षेत्र

electorate Definition


  • all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election.
  • the office or territories of a German elector.

electorate Example

  • 75 percent of the electorate voted for a Scottish parliament in some form ( 75 प्रतिशत मतदाताओं ने किसी न किसी रूप में स्कॉटिश संसद के लिए मतदान किया )
  • The General Court was the legislature and the electorate; the governor and assistants were the executive and the judiciary. ( सामान्य न्यायालय विधायिका और मतदाता था; राज्यपाल और सहायक कार्यपालिका और न्यायपालिका थे। )
  • This radical reconstruction of the electorate necessarily made the result of the elections doubtful. ( मतदाताओं के इस आमूल-चूल पुनर्निर्माण ने अनिवार्य रूप से चुनावों के परिणाम को संदिग्ध बना दिया। )
  • This year the electorate includes many first-time voters. ( इस साल मतदाताओं में कई पहली बार के मतदाता शामिल हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Our electorate is so diverse that we can’t predict who will win.  
  • Although Alaska’s electorate leans republican, a democrat may still win.  
  • You cannot win an election in Philadelphia without the middle class electorate.  
  • Not otherwise will they learn to feel themselves responsible to the electorate below.
  • The total electorate amounts to some 1,300,000 people, or 47 per cent, of the whole population.
  • How it impressed the electorate we did not know, but that it impressed the electorate profoundly there can be no disputing.
  • The influence of the extension of the electorate will, in all likelihood, be against rather than in favour of economy.
  • Both candidates are fighting for the same demographic within the electorate.  
  • The second was to have 204 members returned for five years by the usual parliamentary electorate.
  • The name Hanover (Hohenufer = high bank), originally confined to the town which became the capital of the duchy of Luneburg-Calenberg, came gradually into use to designate, first, the duchy itself, and secondly, the electorate of Brunswick-Luneburg; and it was officially recognized as the name of the state when in 1814 the electorate was raised to the rank of a kingdom.