derivation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of derivation in Hindi
- व्युत्पत्ति
- उत्पत्ति
- कारण
- स्रोत
- शब्द-साधन
derivation Definition
- the obtaining or developing of something from a source or origin.
- deriving induction deduction deducing inferring inference gathering gleaning drawing out extraction eliciting rare:eduction
- in generative grammar, the set of stages that link the abstract underlying structure of an expression to its surface form.
- the process of deducing a new formula, theorem, etc., from previously accepted statements.
derivation Example
- The derivation “sheepish” has six definitions ( व्युत्पत्ति "भेड़" की छह परिभाषाएँ हैं )
- What is the derivation of the word "redshirt"? ( "रेडशर्ट" शब्द की व्युत्पत्ति क्या है? )
- The derivation of the specific form need not concern us. ( विशिष्ट रूप की व्युत्पत्ति से हमें चिंतित होने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। )
- Table 9.6 shows several indicators used in the derivation of GRE elements which are related to deprivation. ( तालिका 9.6 जीआरई तत्वों की व्युत्पत्ति में प्रयुक्त कई संकेतकों को दर्शाती है जो वंचन से संबंधित हैं। )
More Sentence
- Referring back to the aggregate supply curve derivation in Fig. 10-5, it is that is usually attributed to the Keynesians.
- The derivation of scientific laws from observation
- form Lampetra, which occurs in ichthyological works of the middle ages; the derivation from lambere petras, to lick stones, is a specimen of etymological ingenuity.
- The derivation of the word has been much debated.
- People wondered about the derivation of the painting, but its origin is unknown.
- The derivation of the baby’s name is unknown, but many people think it is a family name.
- Derivation is effected by infixes, prefixes, affixes and reduplication.
- Opinions differ as to the derivation of the name of the island.
- The exact derivation and meaning of the name is somewhat uncertain.
- Many of Bentham's phrases, such as "international," "utilitarian," "codification," are valuable additions to our language; but the majority of them, especially those of Greek derivation, have taken no root in it.
- It is interesting to note that the fanciful derivation of the same Veronica from the words Vera icon (euccav) " true image" - is not, as has been thought, of modern origin, since it occurs in the Otia Imperialia (iii.
- But this derivation is doubtful, the origin of the name being also ascribed to that of an English carriage-builder, Landow, who introduced this form of equipage.
- No satisfactory derivation of the name Athena has been given 1; Pallas, at first an epithet, but after Pindar used 1 0.
- The derivation offered for its name is from Oak-town, in reference to the extensive forest which formerly covered the locality.
- A derivation is suggested from the disputed territory of Alsace, pointing the contrast between this lawless district and the adjacent Temple, the home of the law itself.
- According to some he was the god of consuming fire; others saw in him the bright sky, or the heaven; still others recognized in him a storm god, a theory with which the derivation of the name from Heb.
- We can now proceed to the derivation of the structure of glucose.
- Her original home was on the river Numicius near Lavinium, where there was a spring called after her, supposed to possess healing qualities (whence the old Roman derivation from juvare, to help).
- Music of primarily Turkish derivation