egotistical - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of egotistical in Hindi
- घमंडी
- अहंकारी
- अहंमन्यवादिक
- गर्वित
- अहंपूर्ण
- आत्मश्लाघा या स्वार्थपूर्ण
egotistical Definition
- excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself; self-centered.
egotistical Example
- he's selfish, egotistical, and arrogant ( वह स्वार्थी, अहंकारी और अभिमानी है )
- "Not with these people," he said, once again the egotistical protector who knew better than her. ( "इन लोगों के साथ नहीं," उन्होंने कहा, एक बार फिर अहंकारी रक्षक जो उससे बेहतर जानता था। )
- He was an egotistical wife beater. ( वह एक अहंकारी पत्नी को मारने वाला था। )
More Sentence
- My uncle's hubris caused him to be an egotistical and cruel man.
- This was no way to write, this thin egotistical strain of complaint.
- But, in fact, you are not to blame at all, and I am an egotistical brute.
- And yet, Burke said, he was the least egotistical man he had ever known.
- Nothing could be more egotistical than Disraeli's (Beaconsfield) novels.
- Only super models can get away with being a little egotistical.
- He toyed with her since she arrived and unapologetically played the part of the egotistical, chauvinistic pig he was.
- These Memoires (Amsterdam, 1729) are of very considerable merit and interest, though, or perhaps because, they are extremely egotistical and often extremely desultory.
- That's the really egotistical thing about this ."
- He was " unabashedly egotistical, " writes Harr.
- Police officers investigating a restaurant slaughter are all corrupt or egotistical.
- He brings a sputtering comic sense to the incomparably egotistical Richard.
- "That's not from arrogance or being egotistical.
- Strong, egotistical, charming, talkative and very worldly on the surface; underneath soft, easily destructible, a constant worrier.
- If I ventured a guess, it would be egotistical.
- And to all the Tom Cruise fans who feel LoveToKnow Celebrity has been too tough of the egotistical mega power, read Tom Cruise Goes on Unemployment to find out what tough really is.
- This self-esteem is not egotistical, since others in the child's environment - teachers, friends, and family - echo the high rating of their social competence.