edible - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of edible in Hindi


  • खाद्य
  • खाने योग्य
  • भोज्य
  • भक्ष्य
  • भक्षणीय

edible Definition


  • fit or suitable to be eaten.


  • items of food.

edible Example

  • the dinner was barely edible ( रात का खाना मुश्किल से खाने योग्य था )
  • nasturtium seeds are edible ( नास्टर्टियम के बीज खाने योग्य होते हैं )
  • Muldrow had said the land was overgrown with edible plants. ( मुलड्रो ने कहा था कि भूमि खाद्य पौधों के साथ उग आई थी। )
  • Do you know how many edible plants grow naturally in our own front yards? ( क्या आप जानते हैं कि हमारे अपने सामने के यार्ड में कितने खाद्य पौधे प्राकृतिक रूप से उगते हैं? )

More Sentence

  • The venomous Toadfish, Stonefish and Zebrafish are edible.
  • Parts of the plant are edible, but I never indulged in them.
  • All birds are edible, but some taste very much better than others.
  • I had no idea why I was haggard for something that was not edible.
  • It is not classed among the edible species.
  • It contains many poisonous as well as edible mushrooms.
  • Behead an edible fish, and leave the defeat of an army.
  • One day the two went to the forest to dig edible roots.
  • All of the hickory nuts tested had sweet, edible seeds.
  • As an edible product "shiners" were of little account.
  • The honey-and-cinnamon scent left him wondering if it was edible.
  • The fruit is edible in small quantities, with a very acidic taste.
  • The large flower-stalks are edible boiled; other parts are harmful.
  • He was rooting through his refrigerator hoping for anything edible.
  • I could experiment with how to bring this stuff up to an edible level.
  • Ballota, a closely allied species abundant in Morocco, bears large edible acorns, which form an article of trade with Spain; an oil, resembling that of the olive, is obtained from them by expression.
  • Even the lawn contained a surprising amount of herbs, and edible plantains grew everywhere.
  • the shrub has small edible berries