dyslexia - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dyslexia in Hindi

  • डिस्लेक्सिया
  • अपपठन
  • वाकविकार

dyslexia Definition


  • a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.

dyslexia Example

  • Students with dyslexia are permitted to use an electronic dictionary. ( डिस्लेक्सिया वाले छात्रों को इलेक्ट्रॉनिक शब्दकोश का उपयोग करने की अनुमति है। )
  • Often a child with dyslexia has a problem translating language into thought (such as in listening or reading), or translating thought into language (such as in writing or speaking). ( अक्सर डिस्लेक्सिया से पीड़ित बच्चे को भाषा का विचार में अनुवाद करने में समस्या होती है (जैसे सुनने या पढ़ने में), या विचार को भाषा में अनुवाद करने में (जैसे कि लिखित या बोलने में)। )
  • Now 44, he was found to have dyslexia in 1994. ( अब 44, 1994 में उन्हें डिस्लेक्सिया होने का पता चला था। )
  • With dyslexia, I learned how to listen and pay attention. ( डिस्लेक्सिया के साथ, मैंने सीखा कि कैसे सुनना और ध्यान देना है। )

More Sentence

  • As an adult, it was discovered that he had dyslexia.
  • Ben has dyslexia and is struggling to learn how to read.
  • :Dyslexia means difficulty in reading and writing, not music.
  • Dyslexia eventually became the central topic and theme of the film.
  • Several special education approaches have been developed for students with dyslexia.
  • One cited Taubman's dyslexia and trouble with written accounts.
  • It was there that she came to the field of dyslexia.
  • Harriet suffered from dyslexia, a then-unrecognized reading disorder.
  • If anything, voters interpreted Bush's dyslexia as candor.
  • Sally's own childhood was severely affected by undiagnosed dyslexia.
  • Another respondent talks about fellow students not believing dyslexia existed.
  • He improved by two grades in each subject, despite his severe dyslexia.