duplicate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of duplicate in Hindi


  • प्रतिलिपि
  • नक़ल
  • प्रतिरूप
  • मुसन्न
  • समानार्थ-शब्द
  • दूसरी प्रति
  • दो प्रतियां बनाना
  • अनुलिपि बनाना


  • दोहरा
  • समानार्थ
  • दूना
  • दुगुना
  • मिलता-जुलता


  • दोहराना
  • प्रतिलिपि बनाना
  • प्रतिरूप बनानादूना करना

duplicate Definition


  • exactly like something else, especially through having been copied.
  • having two corresponding or identical parts.


  • one of two or more identical things.
  • short for duplicate bridge.
  • a pawnbroker's ticket.


  • make or be an exact copy of.

duplicate Example

  • a duplicate license is issued to replace a valid license which has been lost ( एक वैध लाइसेंस को बदलने के लिए एक डुप्लिकेट लाइसेंस जारी किया जाता है जो खो गया है )
  • It is of evergreen habit, and requires a warm position on the rockwork and well-drained sandy soil; or a duplicate should be sheltered during winter in a cold, dry frame. ( यह सदाबहार आदत का है, और रॉकवर्क और अच्छी तरह से सूखा रेतीली मिट्टी पर गर्म स्थिति की आवश्यकता होती है; या डुप्लीकेट को सर्दी के दौरान ठंडे, सूखे फ्रेम में आश्रय दिया जाना चाहिए। )
  • I'm not sure he could exactly duplicate the test room. ( मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि वह बिल्कुल परीक्षण कक्ष की नकल कर सकता है। )
  • If you can duplicate, I'll need as many of those as I can get. ( यदि आप नकल कर सकते हैं, तो मुझे उनमें से उतनी ही आवश्यकता होगी जितनी मुझे मिल सकती है। )

More Sentence

  • When you have success in one area, people duplicate it.
  • Bichette, meanwhile, was unable to duplicate his earlier success.
  • The government is conducting a study of services offered at the state and federal level to see if there is a duplication of services that could be eliminated.
  • Other scientists have not been able to duplicate the results of his experiments, and many are suggesting that he may have falsified his results.
  • Luckily, I made a duplicate of our report because my boss lost the original.
  • The duplication of his research results at another institution has shown that his theory was right.
  • We ordered duplicate prints of our photos to send to my parents.
  • Please fill out these forms in duplicate, and give them to the secretary.
  • The organic nature of this system is the hardest to duplicate.
  • It's difficult to see duplicate in a sentence .
  • The elaborately carved chair of the lieutenant-governor in the senate chamber, made of wood from the historic Charter Oak, and the original charter of 1662 (or its duplicate of the same date) are preserved in a special vault in the Connecticut state library.
  • they have not been able to duplicate his successes
  • a duplicate application form
  • a unique scent, impossible to duplicate or forget