ducks - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ducks in Hindi
- बतख
ducks Definition
- a common bird that lives on or near water. Ducks have short legs, special (webbed) feet for swimming and a wide beak
- a female duck
ducks Example
- He sat down and ducks started to make their way toward him. ( वह बैठ गया और बत्तखें उसकी ओर बढ़ने लगीं। )
- Hither the clean wild ducks come. ( यहाँ स्वच्छ जंगली बत्तख आते हैं। )
- There are but few species of ducks, and they are apparently more numerous in southern Brazil than on the Amazon. ( बत्तखों की कुछ ही प्रजातियाँ हैं, और वे अमेज़ॅन की तुलना में दक्षिणी ब्राजील में स्पष्ट रूप से अधिक हैं। )
- There are many ducks there. ( वहाँ बहुत सारी बत्तखें हैं। )
More Sentence
- Where are my ducks of pages?
- These ducks were shy.
- Lora used to love feeding the ducks.
- The other answer was a duck or ducks.
- There is nowhere for the ducks to hide.
- Out in the open, they were sitting ducks.
- Teach your grandmother how to milk ducks.
- She loved those ducks…’ The ducks set.
- Reflexively, Jet ducks to avoid the spatter.
- I see ducks on the pond.
- But the ducks insisted upon it.
- Two ducks walked in during the service.
- The ducks flapped their wings and splashed across the pond, finally becoming airborne.
- Ducks, geese and other water birds are common, especially during their migrations.