drop - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of drop in Hindi

  • बूँद

drop Definition


  • En el rugby, patada que se le da al balón sin estar el juego detenido.

drop Example

  • un tanto conseguido con un drop suma 3 puntos ( अन टैंटो कॉन्सेगुइडो कोन अन ड्रॉप सुमा 3 पंटोस )
  • Backing the car up, she watched the man with the sword drop to his knees and slowly stand. ( कार का समर्थन करते हुए, उसने देखा कि तलवार के साथ आदमी अपने घुटनों पर गिर गया और धीरे से खड़ा हो गया। )
  • Your country isn't Britain, it's Europe so drop the pretense and desist from claiming to care about employment levels in Britain. ( आपका देश ब्रिटेन नहीं है, यह यूरोप है इसलिए ढोंग छोड़ें और ब्रिटेन में रोजगार के स्तर की परवाह करने का दावा करने से बचें। )
  • Just don't drop it. ( बस इसे मत गिराओ। )
  • While both male and female reindeer grow antlers, MOST males will drop their antler by early December. ( जबकि नर और मादा हिरन दोनों ही एंटलर उगाते हैं, अधिकांश नर दिसंबर की शुरुआत तक अपने एंटलर को छोड़ देंगे। )
  • I felt a drop of rain. ( मुझे बारिश की एक बूंद महसूस हुई। )

More Sentence

  • Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV.
  • Being very sleepy, they tried for some time to drop off again in spite of the cold.
  • I'll either drop by on the way there or on the way back.
  • The fruit has begun to drop down.
  • After the Yorkshire Pudding has been baking for 10 minutes drop the marinated steaks into the part baked batter.
  • Life is merely a drop of nectar on the lotus leaf.
  • The apple blossom is beginning to drop.
  • When she has used the bowl, you slip and drop it, get the church vacuum cleaner and clear up meticulously.
  • "The weatherman predicted a pressure drop."
  • A drop of rain just lighted on his head.
  • And the most telling drop was in Reading boro where the 12 road deaths in 2000 had been reduced to zero by last year.
  • Little drops of water finally can wear stone, not because it is strong, but due to circadian won't drop pendant.
  • I wasn't prepared to let the matter drop .
  • "The company experienced a drop."
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow.
  • They blame a recent drop in theater attendances on the impression that the West End has become seedy in recent years.
  • Be sure to drop me a line.
  • Drop by my office any time.