come down - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of come down in Hindi
- निर्णय लेना
- उतरना
- गिरना
- नीचे आना
come down Definition
- a loss of status or importance.
- a feeling of disappointment or depression.
come down Example
- Tell your assistant to come down for a shot. ( अपने सहायक को एक शॉट के लिए नीचे आने के लिए कहें। )
- It arose from a spiritual movement in answer to the yearning of the heart: " O that Thou mightest rend the heavens and come down and the mountains quake at Thy presence !" ( यह दिल की तड़प के जवाब में एक आध्यात्मिक आंदोलन से उत्पन्न हुआ: "हे कि तू पराक्रमी आकाश का प्रतिपादन करे और नीचे आए और पहाड़ों की उपस्थिति के कारण शांत हो जाए!" )
- He had come down to begging when his father found him. ( वह तब भीख मांगने आया था जब उसके पिता ने उसे पाया। )
- They tried for hours to get her to come down from the roof, but it was no go. ( उन्होंने उसे छत से नीचे लाने के लिए घंटों कोशिश की, लेकिन वह नहीं चली। )
- It's amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years. ( यह आश्चर्यजनक है कि पिछले कुछ वर्षों में कंप्यूटरों की कीमत में कितनी कमी आई है। )
More Sentence
- She refused to come down squarely on either side of the argument.
- Come down from that tree!
- I watched the climbers come down into the valley.
- I never thought he would come down to begging.
- The writings are the result of a continued literary process, and the Israelite national history has come down to us through Judaean hands, with the result that much of it has been coloured by late Judaean feeling.
- We need to come down hard on young offenders.
- Why don't you come down for the weekend sometime?
- Computers haven't come down in price.
- House prices have come down recently.
- Inflation has come down twice in the last month.
- Things like this don't come down on one suddenly.
- This ring has come down from my great-grandmother.
- Much is related of his wickedness and enmity to the followers of Yahweh, but few political details have come down.
- When a pregnant woman does come down with chickenpox, she can be treated with the oral antiviral drug acyclovir to help ease symptoms.
- This man, then, having been a guest in many homes and having come down gradually from the highlands to the sea-coast, was Hellenic not only in speech but also in soul.
- I heard today that some of the men have come down with the measles and some have died from it.
- But those works of his which have come down to us show few traces of unusual ability; and the laudation of him as a universal genius by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Aldus Manutius requires to be discounted.
- This has come down to us through a Latin version of an Arabic manuscript; it cannot, however, have been written by Archimedes in its present form, as his name is quoted in it more than once.
- Why don't you come down to the station and file a report.
- The poems of Propertius, as they have come down to us, consist of four books containing 4046 lines of elegiac verse.
- This derivation is, however, fanciful; the name bucentaurus is unknown in ancient mythology, and the figurehead of the bucentaurs, of which representations have come down to us, is the lion of St Mark.
- A just appreciation of the genius and the writings of Propertius is made sensibly more difficult by the condition in which his works have come down to us.
- It discredited the economic policy of the past, and promoted the overthrow of institutions which had come down from earlier times, but were unsuited to modern society.
- Much of the work is done by companies of peasants, who come down from the mountainous districts when required, permanent residence not being possible owing to the malaria.