drama - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of drama in Hindi


  • नाटक
  • ड्रामा
  • अभिनय
  • घटनाचक्र
  • रूपक
  • स्वांग

drama Definition


  • a play for theater, radio, or television.
  • an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.

drama Example

  • a hostage drama ( एक बंधक नाटक )
  • She felt almost human again after the drama of her week. ( उसने अपने सप्ताह के नाटक के बाद फिर से लगभग मानवीय महसूस किया। )
  • In all of thirty minutes, some sort of drama would emerge once the inhabitants awoke. ( सभी तीस मिनट में, निवासियों के जागते ही किसी तरह का नाटक सामने आएगा। )

More Sentence

  • He didn't need this type of drama, and she was too good for a man like him in her life.
  • Let no man say that the love of the drama is founded on the artificial or sham.
  • The situations were entirely the conventional ones in the drama of this kind of unfaithfulness.
  • Often far into the night they continued to play their silent role in the great drama of war.
  • In dramatic composition, the equivalent of the Short-story is the one-act play, be it drama or comedy or comedietta or farce.
  • All this activity has come about within the last ten or twelve years, where, before, in many places, drama and acting were almost unknown.
  • By the way, would not, perchance, that man be the 'juvenile lead' who acts in the romantic drama which is being played every day in your city?
  • She stood looking at them with a smile of expectancy on her face, as if a scene from the drama of the younger generation were being played for her benefit.
  • The drama is the reflection of humanity; the art of the actress should be the reflection of all the different passions that have stirred her own heart and soul.
  • The few who believed in the drama were valiant in its defence, but their arguments did not add to the good-will of those who loved the actress but detested the play.
  • The life which is before it, is not a scheme to be taught, but a drama to be acted.
  • In the great drama he is unfolding in the earth Israel has a principal part to play.
  • He was curious to see whether the drama of Punch and Judy had quite lost its old power to please.
  • She wanted to know what causes had produced this unusual drama which was unfolding before her eyes.
  • A repeated perusal of this drama suggests the judgment that it is overpraised when ranked at no great distance from Shakespeare's national dramas.
  • a gritty urban drama about growing up in Harlem
  • an afternoon of high drama at Fenway Park
  • Renaissance drama