downtrun - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of downtrun in Hindi


  • मोड़

downtrun Definition


  • a decline in economic, business, or other activity.

downtrun Example

  • A downturn in the housing market ( हाउसिंग मार्केट में मंदी )
  • The owners of London institution Liberty saw a reduced footfall in the West End by a downturn in shopper numbers in the capital. ( लंदन की संस्था लिबर्टी के मालिकों ने राजधानी में दुकानदारों की संख्या में गिरावट के कारण वेस्ट एंड में ग्राहकों की संख्या में कमी देखी। )
  • Voters, meanwhile, are hoping the upcoming presidential elections will spell an end to the economic downturn and their pension woes. ( इस बीच, मतदाता उम्मीद कर रहे हैं कि आगामी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव आर्थिक मंदी और उनके पेंशन संकट को समाप्त कर देगा। )
  • Haven't you heard there's a pisconomic downturn on at the moment? ( क्या आपने नहीं सुना कि इस समय आर्थिक मंदी चल रही है? )

More Sentence

  • In another phase of economic downturn, the building trades lost business.
  • Then with the economic downturn of the country, the slide downhill began.
  • If not, it needs to cut the dividends to preserve cash to fight the downturn.
  • Hence, in a downturn, those firms with small but steady growth are less risky.
  • A series of distressing hallucinatory episodes suggested a profound downturn.
  • All three shocks have caused, or been a catalyst for, a serious downturn in western economies.  
  • The downturn in the technology sector has been unkind to those with a strong bias towards this area.  
  • The recent downturn in the stock market has placed some investors into a bit of quandary.  
  • What is there to stop the same thing happening to the Bulls should they experience a downturn in fortunes?  
  • In many ways, he was the right person to take the troubled city through a difficult time caused by a major economic downturn.
  • When a downturn is expected, employers are more reluctant to speak to anyone who.
  • Your economic downturn is only the beginning of worse to come with climate change.
  • Fear, greed and hope have wiped out more money than any market downturn ever could.
  • The communications press is rife with stories and reports about the probable downturn...
  • When there is a downturn, people will hold their money back, saving it for only needs.