domination - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of domination in Hindi

  • प्रभुत्व


  • शासन
  • अधिकार
  • बोलबाला
  • प्राबल्य
  • निर्दयता
  • हुकूमत
  • सत्ता

domination Definition


  • the exercise of control or influence over someone or something, or the state of being so controlled.
  • (in traditional Christian angelology) the fourth highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.

domination Example

  • Evil plans for domination of the universe ( ब्रह्मांड के प्रभुत्व के लिए दुष्ट योजनाएँ )
  • A league against the Scala domination was formed, and the result was the fall of the family. ( स्काला वर्चस्व के खिलाफ एक लीग का गठन किया गया था, और इसका परिणाम परिवार का पतन था। )
  • This proposal was at once recognized by public opinion - to use the language of the Journal des Debats (May 21, 1909) - as " an instrument of domination " rather than as an attempt to carry out the spirit of the compact under which the Coalition goyernment had been summoned to power. ( इस प्रस्ताव को तुरंत जनमत द्वारा मान्यता दी गई - जर्नल डेस डिबेट्स (21 मई, 1909) की भाषा का उपयोग करने के लिए - "वर्चस्व के एक साधन" के रूप में, न कि उस कॉम्पैक्ट की भावना को पूरा करने के प्रयास के रूप में जिसके तहत गठबंधन शासन को सत्ता में बुलाया गया था। )
  • A puppet state was set up in the north to perpetuate British imperialist domination. ( ब्रिटिश साम्राज्यवादी वर्चस्व को कायम रखने के लिए उत्तर में एक कठपुतली राज्य की स्थापना की गई। ) 

More Sentence

  • The paper, written in the heyday of Pokemon, tracks the toys from their earliest successes in Japan to global market domination.
  • Keeping with the domination theme is Battleship.
  • Gorl-darl's domination of that city had brought it to its knees.
  • In a click, we found the essentials of domination and conformity.
  • It’s almost a megalomaniacal approach to world domination!.
  • Not all trade and commerce was aimed at world domination, of course.
  • It does not tolerate any type of domination or manipulation from the.
  • "It's far too late for world domination.
  • "I've never witnessed such domination ."
  • But Reed admitted that he did not expect such total domination.
  • The domination of red inside the Fiesta Bowl was truly impressive.
  • The episode deepened Chechen hatred of Russian domination, Nourry noted.
  • That's not a struggle, that's domination.
  • The numbers are evidence of De La Hoya's domination.
  • It's difficult to see domination in a sentence .
  • That is what happens when a pitcher makes domination look routine.Lex Luther, an evil villain, fought Superman for domination and total control of the world as we know it.
  • The mouthy political candidate pushed for domination of the debate, refusing to let anyone else speak their opinions.
  • Wanting total domination of the business, the attorney offered to buy his partner out so that he could make all the decision.
  • This is not surprising if to consider the domination of males over females.
  • It has always been the unrestrained domination of phantoms and nothing more.
  • No city has had that domination which sometimes derides those whom it subjugates.
  • Who will achieve the global domination of Cybertron?
  • The Ordinary Boys call their fan base the Ordinary Army, suggesting the band are set on world domination.
  • The Gallaghers have always maintained an uncompromising faith in the band, claiming that Oasis have achieved ultimate world domination.
  • As of 2008, the music side of the group had released two albums: PCD and Doll Domination.