diverge - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of diverge in Hindi
- हट जाना
- झुक जाना
- हटाना
- झुकना
- फेलना
- छितरना
- भिन्न मत होना
diverge Definition
- (of a road, route, or line) separate from another route, especially a main one, and go in a different direction.
- (of a series) increase indefinitely as more of its terms are added.
diverge Example
- The leaves of the electroscope will diverge with positive electricity. ( इलेक्ट्रोस्कोप की पत्तियां सकारात्मक बिजली के साथ अलग हो जाएंगी। )
- North and south of these points the coasts on both sides rapidly diverge. ( इन बिंदुओं के उत्तर और दक्षिण दोनों ओर के तट तेजी से विचलन करते हैं। )
- If an insulated brass ball is touched against the first tray and then against the knob or plate of the electroscope, the gold leaves will diverge. ( यदि एक इंसुलेटेड पीतल की गेंद को पहली ट्रे से छुआ जाता है और फिर इलेक्ट्रोस्कोप के नॉब या प्लेट से छुआ जाता है, तो सोने की पत्तियां अलग हो जाएंगी। )
- She dropped the bowl and watched as glass shards started to diverge on the kitchen floor. ( उसने कटोरा गिरा दिया और देखा कि रसोई के फर्श पर कांच के टुकड़े अलग होने लगे हैं। )
- The canvassers were to start on the same street corner and diverge throughout the neighborhood. ( प्रचारकों को एक ही गली के कोने से शुरू करना था और पूरे मोहल्ले में अलग होना था। )
More Sentence
- Knowing that everyone would diverge after graduation, she was worried that she would not see her friends anymore.
- In an effort to win the war, the General instructed his troops to diverge from their hiding spot to surround the enemy.
- The water is brought from a ditch on the high ground, and through a line of pipes to the distributing box, whence the branch pipes supplying the jets diverge.
- Faith and reason partly agree, partly diverge
- If then the ball be withdrawn, the leaves will diverge a second time with negative electrification.
- The crests of the different kinds of waves will therefore appear to diverge as they get farther from the body, and the waves themselves will be less and less perceptible.
- This vault is arranged so that the ribs diverge from the vaulting shafts until they reach the central octagon of the roof.
- Hence their conclusions about the things denoted by the word defined, diverge in all directions and to any extent.
- The infinite general continued fraction of the first class cannot diverge for its value lies between that of its first two convergents.
- Leaving these fish-like forms, we find the remainder of the carboniferous reptiles to diverge from them along three lines.
- Again, in proportion as the rays of light become distant from the body from which they emanate, they diverge one from the other.
- In the first place the individual judges, in their second trials, did not diverge far from their first ratings.
- The roofs are formed of long poles, which diverge like the radii of a circle, from one common centre.
- Here two roads diverge; one branching off southeastwards to Pirot, Sofia and Constantinople; the other proceeding southwards to Vranya, Uskiib and Salonica.
- Quot in we more economically disadvantaged how claims diverge.
- Often data can diverge from Benford's Law for perfectly innocent reasons.