distill - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of distill in Hindi

  • गढ़ने


  • चुलाना
  • टपकना
  • शुद्ध करना
  • सत्त चुवाना
  • सत्त चूना
  • आसव करना
  • अर्क खींचना
  • शराब खींचना

distill Definition


  • purify (a liquid) by vaporizing it, then condensing it by cooling the vapor, and collecting the resulting liquid.
  • extract the essential meaning or most important aspects of.

distill Example

  • Distill the leaves of some agrimony ( कुछ तीखेपन की पत्तियों को आसुत करें )
  • L-theanine causes a relaxation response that counteracts the naturally occurring caffeine in tea, which is what led herbal companies to begin to distill it from the tea. ( L-theanine एक विश्राम प्रतिक्रिया का कारण बनता है जो चाय में प्राकृतिक रूप से पाए जाने वाले कैफीन का प्रतिकार करता है, जिसके कारण हर्बल कंपनियों ने इसे चाय से डिस्टिल करना शुरू कर दिया। )
  • Distill it all down to one word and call it embarrassment. ( यह सब एक शब्द में डिस्टिल करें और इसे शर्मिंदगी कहें। )
  • Solman distills the drawings for a much smaller group of paintings. ( सोलमैन चित्रों के बहुत छोटे समूह के लिए चित्र तैयार करता है। )

More Sentence

  • Beckett strove to reduce and distill that language to the essential.
  • You've got time to think, digest, distill.
  • The hairs were treated in special containers to distill amino acid, the most common substance contained in soybean sauce.  
  • Then the workflow engine will automagically distill the software support for that process.  
  • You have to get the leftover solids to ferment and then you have to distill them.  
  • America's economic strengths lie in qualities that are hard to distill into simple statistics or trends.  
  • They write in plain English, without jargon, and distill lengthy statements into clear, concise tables understandable at a glance.  
  • To separate the facts and distill the generalizations biometeorologists must make a searching self-appraisal.
  • If you want to distill legally, move to New Zealand.
  • This might distill a conversation or discussion in a good way.
  • This operatic reading distills the inherent power of the tale.
  • When you distill it, the advice is largely commonsensical.
  • It's difficult to see distill in a sentence .
  • He knew how to distill a case to its essentials.
  • He early distill': guished himself in the learning of traditions by heart, and when, in his sixteenth year, his family made the pilgrimage to Mecca, he gathered additions to his store from the authorities along the route.
  • They managed to distill a small quantity of water