convention - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of convention in Hindi

  • सम्मेलन
  • अभिसमय
  • परंपरा
  • परिपाटी
  • सभा
  • प्रथा
  • सभागम
  • रूढ़ि

convention Definition


  • a way in which something is usually done, especially within a particular area or activity.
  • an agreement between countries covering particular matters, especially one less formal than a treaty.
  • a large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political party or a particular profession.
  • an artificial bid by which a bidder tries to convey specific information about the hand to their partner.

convention Example

  • the convention, signed by the six states bordering on the Black Sea, aims to prevent further pollution ( काला सागर की सीमा से लगे छह राज्यों द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित सम्मेलन का उद्देश्य और प्रदूषण को रोकना है )
  • No one who attended the 1968 Democratic Convention can forget it. ( 1968 के डेमोक्रेटिक कन्वेंशन में शामिल होने वाला कोई भी इसे नहीं भूल सकता। )
  • The convention was designed to be the centerpiece of that strategy. ( सम्मेलन को उस रणनीति का केंद्रबिंदु बनने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया था। )
  • But fans of standard Windows conventions may be a little confused. ( लेकिन मानक विंडोज सम्मेलनों के प्रशंसक थोड़ा भ्रमित हो सकते हैं। )
  • Andersen said at the American Psychological Association's annual convention. ( एंडरसन ने अमेरिकन साइकोलॉजिकल एसोसिएशन के वार्षिक सम्मेलन में कहा। )

More Sentence

  • He was a delegate to the party's 1936 convention.
  • I made a couple of convention speeches which were well received.
  • Nor did he question her about being intoxicated during the convention.
  • Fisher told delegates at an AFL-CIO convention in January.
  • It's difficult to see convention in a sentence .
  • The choice of which names to use is not restricted by the language; any conventions are up to the library designer to suggest.
  • When the convention met and the balloting began, the contest along these factional lines started in earnest.
  • The convention will be held in the meeting hall so that the company big wigs can discuss important issues.  
  • By convention the deputy leader is always a woman.
  • The convention of Sutri of 1 i i i between Pope Paschal II.\
  • A convention was signed in 1849, which secured the free navigation of the Parana and the independence of the Banda Oriental.
  • Convention demands that a club member should resign in such a situation.
  • Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.
  • They defied/flouted/broke with convention by giving up their jobs and becoming self-sufficient.
  • The Convention was reconvened on the 12th of February 1863, and the demand of Congress was met.
  • In the course of the proceedings it was announced that Queensland desired to come within the proposed union; and in view of this development, and in order to give further opportunity for the consideration of the bill, the convention again adjourned.
  • In 1799 Alkmaar gave its name to a convention signed by the duke of York and the French general Brune, in accordance with which the Russo-British army of 23,000 men, which was defeated at Bergen, evacuated Holland.
  • Analogous to this convention was the concordat concluded between Nicholas IV.
  • Between the casting of the first and the thirty-third ballot, Garfield, who was the leader of Sherman's adherents in the convention, had sometimes received one or two votes and at other times none.
  • the convention is a UN body responsible for the regulation of sea dumping
  • Rather than trying to deduce arbitrary practices from some general psychosocial principles, we must look at the social functions that particular conventions serve.
  • he was an upholder of convention and correct form
  • a convention of retail merchants
  • a Star Trek convention
  • Houston was chosen as the site for the convention.
  • Where are they holding their party convention?
  • She enjoys sticking two fingers up to convention.
  • Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn't take the things said at the Republican Convention too seriously.
  • They have delegated him to represent their city at the convention.