dissasociate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dissasociate in Hindi
- अलग
- असंम्बद्ध होना
- पृथक् होना
dissasociate Definition
- another term for dissociate.
dissasociate Example
- You can also disassociate yourself financially from someone else's bad record. ( आप किसी और के खराब रिकॉर्ड से खुद को आर्थिक रूप से भी अलग कर सकते हैं। )
- Did she _want_ to disassociate herself from it? ( क्या वह इससे खुद को अलग करना चाहती थी? )
- And number two, disassociate yourself with the murder of this Bald Man. ( और नंबर दो, इस गंजे आदमी की हत्या से खुद को अलग कर लो। )
- Disassociate preconception with the actual state of something and associate. ( किसी चीज की वास्तविक स्थिति और सहयोगी के साथ पूर्वधारणा को अलग करें। )
More Sentence
- And her training in acquiescence and distrust of herself was very complete, and back in her home would she not at once bend into the old curve again? Was it possible, would it ever be possible, in her father's presence to disassociate herself from his points of view? What his view of Herr Dremmel would be she very exactly knew.
- So when we are moving and weaving in the traffic, we disassociate the other.
- They were certain they could disassociate themselves without any great consequences.
- We give confidence to those who disassociate themselves from those with hostile attitudes.
- Gino tried to disassociate himself from the mob, but the crime bosses refused to let him leave the organization.
- Because her parents were toxic and abusive, Piper decided to disassociate herself from her family and go ‘no contact.’
- The defendant promised the judge that she would disassociate himself from bad influences and not hang around the hooligans he kept getting in trouble with.
- Just as Christ does not disassociate Himself from a sinner like me, so we ought not to disassociate ourselves from our fellow sinners.