displeased - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of displeased in Hindi

  • अप्रसन्न
  • ख़फ़ा

displeased Definition


  • feeling or showing annoyance and displeasure.

displeased Example

  • He was displeased with your work ( वह आपके काम से नाखुश थे )
  • He was displeased with himself. ( वह खुद से नाराज था। )
  • Many other things displeased her. ( और भी बहुत सी बातें उसे नाराज करती थीं। )
  • Besides, you have displeased me. ( इसके अलावा, आपने मुझे नाराज किया है। )
  • The fact is that he displeased them. ( तथ्य यह है कि उसने उन्हें नाराज कर दिया। )

More Sentence

  • She grew more agitated and displeased.
  • Ralph realized the earl was displeased.
  • Have I displeased you? she whispered.
  • Samuel, displeased with the words he heard.
  • She was already greatly displeased with Mrs.
  • Van Thorn would be very displeased with the.
  • My father would be displeased, she said.
  • She was, however, emphatically displeased with her slow time.
  • Ono's New York curator John Hendricks was also displeased.
  • Did we find anything that displeased us at this amazing retreat?
  • Still, Gordon and Stewart can't be entirely displeased.
  • We heard the front office was displeased after the Miami loss.
  • Other station managers, while also displeased, were more temperate.
  • And everything done to please the Democrats risks displeasing more Republicans.
  • If you are still displeased, then talk with the manager.
  • Did somebody commit an act of hubris that displeased the gods?
  • The network was also displeased with the deliberately grainy documentary look.
  • It's difficult to see displeased in a sentence .
  • "It's not displeasing at all,"
  • Prosecutor Kazimieras Kavarskas was displeased about the delay in the trial.
  • He's clearly displeased with the funding coming from Washington.
  • Bush was displeased with being rushed into making the second album.
  • He was displeased with Marius and with himself.
  • You look displeased, the Chinese man said.
  • And have consequently displeased him? she.
  • But the thing David had done displeased the LORD.
  • Am displeased with everything that I have written.
  • So what? Van Thorn said, sounding displeased.
  • Nay" (seeing her draw back displeased), "forgive me.
  • Beside him, Corrente was clearly displeased with his.
  • Beauchamp was displeased, but he was in control of his.
  • Are you displeased with me? Zalisha asked sorrowfully.
  • I am very sorry indeed to have displeased his majesty.
  • Q: There was a time when I was most displeased with myself.
  • Breckenridge pursed his lips, displeased with the response.