alleviate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of alleviate in Hindi
- कम
- कम करना
- हलका कर देना
- हलका करना
- धीमा करना
- उपशमन करना
- हल्का करना
- शान्त करना
- मंद करना
alleviate Definition
make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe. ( बनाओ (पीड़ित, कमी, या एक समस्या) कम गंभीर। )
alleviate Example
- So can our community leaders come up with a plan of action to help alleviate this problem? ( तो क्या हमारे समुदाय के नेता इस समस्या को कम करने के लिए कार्ययोजना बना सकते हैं? )
- The brothers hope to alleviate the problems they encountered during their school days. ( भाइयों को उम्मीद है कि वे अपने स्कूल के दिनों में आई समस्याओं को दूर करेंगे। )
- A large, modern bus station would surely help alleviate the problems and keep the traffic flowing. ( एक बड़ा, आधुनिक बस स्टेशन निश्चित रूप से समस्याओं को कम करने और यातायात को प्रवाहित रखने में मदद करेगा। )
- I'm pleased that in Cumbria at least the money is going into a pool, which will be used to alleviate the problems. ( मुझे खुशी है कि कम्ब्रिया में कम से कम पैसा एक पूल में जा रहा है, जिसका उपयोग समस्याओं को कम करने के लिए किया जाएगा। )
More Sentence
- measures to alleviate unemployment
- The pedestrian crossing at Market Hill has also been switched off to help alleviate traffic problems.
- he couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it
- Inflation therefore is the only sensible solution toward alleviating this problem.
- Far from alleviating the problem, the farming of carnivorous fish, such as salmon, adds to the pressure on wild fish populations.
- The perceived benefit was due to alleviation of withdrawal symptoms.
- All monies raised will go towards alleviating the suffering of survivors.
- Try uninstalling to see if this alleviates the problem.
- Also not a brand-new offering, this company offers herbal alternatives in the form of sunblock, bug repellent, muscle pain alleviator , and poison oak and ivy soap.
- If it alleviates social problems later then it's a good thing, as far as I'm concerned.
- The restrictions will stay in force until the problem is alleviated by a period of sustained rainfall.
- Hang in there and it will subside: if not, you need not an agony aunt but an agony alleviator .
- The Lyonnaise poutine is one of the best hangover alleviators I've ever tried: thick, rough-cut fries, a very pungent peppercorn sauce, curds of squeaky-fresh cheese, fried ground beef and thinly sliced onions.
- The work is not alleviating the problem, it is making it worse in my eyes.
- This herb boosts memory and alleviates circulatory problems
- It alleviated the problem a little, but not enough to stave off looming financial disaster.
- Hold the image of that person in your mind, imagining that their suffering is alleviated .
- And self-control brings alleviation of debt, peace of mind, and ultimate happiness.
- He called for concerted efforts in preventing spread of the disease and alleviating the suffering of people infected and affected.
- A number of industry sources have said a massive cow cull in the past year could have alleviated the current problem.
- The decriminalisation of abortion would assist in alleviating this problem.
- The jolting problem was alleviated by using larger wheels and solid rubber tyres.
- With foreign investment, there would be job creation, economic growth and above all, poverty alleviation for the people.
- The medical endeavour is to help in the alleviation of suffering, which takes as many forms as there are individuals.
- At the core of this book is a call for a radical rethinking of how psychiatric problems are alleviated .
- With both procedures the patient experiences alleviation of the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.