disorganized - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disorganized in Hindi
- बेतरतीब
- अव्यवस्थित
- तितर-बितर
- विघटित
- विसंघटित
- अस्त-व्यस्त
disorganized Definition
- not properly planned and controlled.
disorganized Example
- my boss decided that I was unproductive and disorganized ( मेरे मालिक ने फैसला किया कि मैं अनुत्पादक और अव्यवस्थित था )
- The state was corrupt, disorganized; what was wanted was not more liberty but more discipline. ( राज्य भ्रष्ट, अव्यवस्थित था; जो चाहिए था वह अधिक स्वतंत्रता नहीं बल्कि अधिक अनुशासन था। )
- If anything, it made Darkyn look bad for not being able to defeat the disorganized rabble. ( कुछ भी हो, इसने असंगठित रैबल को हराने में सक्षम नहीं होने के कारण डार्किन को बुरा बना दिया। )
- Though his own sympathies, and those of his allpowerful minister, Max Josef von Montgelas, were, if anything, French rather than Austrian, the state of the Bavarian finances, and the fact that the Bavarian troops were scattered and disorganized, placed him helpless in the hands of Austria;. ( हालांकि उनकी अपनी सहानुभूति, और उनके सर्वशक्तिमान मंत्री, मैक्स जोसेफ वॉन मॉन्टगेलस, अगर कुछ भी थे, तो ऑस्ट्रियाई के बजाय फ्रांसीसी, बवेरियन वित्त की स्थिति, और तथ्य यह है कि बवेरियन सेना बिखरी हुई और अव्यवस्थित थी, उसे असहाय बना दिया ऑस्ट्रिया के हाथ ;. )
More Sentence
- As far as the reader is concerned, Graves’ disorganized style dashes any hope that A will lead logically to B and then C.
- The stores are often musty, crammed, and disorganized so it pays to be a regular and know the days that new donations are put out.
- Large quantities of Soviet equipment were destroyed or fell into UNITA and SADF hands when FAPLA broke into a disorganized retreat.
- The retreat, according to many a man versed in the art,—though it is disputed by others,—would have been a disorganized flight.
- The Russian general Grabbe, who, during the invasion, visited the French camp, was astonished at the disorganized state of the cavalry.
- Their battle line was more disorganized than he would have liked, but it would do and besides they had almost twice as many men as the enemy.
- They retreated back down to the bottom level in a disorganized mess, giving the Calderans some breathing room, though that wouldn't last long.
- The disorganized Japanese authorities winked at their privations, while the Chinese and Koreans struggled to suppress them with varying success.
- His army starving, disorganized and strung out on the march had no chance when the better winter conditioned Russian troops closed in for the kill.
- It was a disorganized and breathless Ingeborg trying to rub things out of her eyes who found herself finally in the passage of the elder Frau Dremmel's house.
- He then proceeded into Spalding’s office where he seated himself at the disorganized desk that was littered with papers, writing instruments, and handwritten notes.
- Captain Thomas Bullitt (1730-1778), a Virginian, commanded a company under Washington at Great Meadows (July 4, 1754), was in Braddock's disastrous expedition in 1755, and after the defeat of Major James Grant in 1758 saved his disorganized army by a cleverly planned attack upon the pursuers.
- In disorganized hordes they battened on Rome and melted away there in excesses.
- Then, as the dinner had rather disorganized our desire to paint, Jan and I went for a walk.
- That shows that although troops may be greatly disorganized in a retreat they do not fight any the worse when you come up to them.
- However, the bodies given to the spirits continued for only a few years; then they were disorganized in death.
- Then she tried her own home, but without result; the storm had completely disorganized the entire service.
- They are disorganized by the struggle, disheartened by the knowledge that they are powerless to conquer Germany.
- The disorganized condition of our neighbor for nearly thirty years, may, partly account for and palliate this fault.
- It may be remarked in passing, that the waste of food, in the present disorganized state of nature, is not only in our streams.
- His nerves seemed to curl up, and for a second his mind was thoroughly disorganized before it again took up the drone about Iapetus.
- But what with ten thousand disorganized soldiers around them clamouring for food, for shoes, and for coats, it was no occasion for heroics.
- The main chamber of the hold was as disorganized as the battle was organized.
- the campaign was hopelessly disorganized