disengagement - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disengagement in Hindi

  • मुक्ति
  • रिहाई
  • व्यापार से अवकाश
  • छुटकारा
  • अवकाश
  • मोक्षण
  • सुख

disengagement Definition


  • the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in a particular activity, situation, or group.
  • emotional detachment; objectivity.

disengagement Example

  • Europe must look to her own defense as a consequence of the American disengagement ( अमेरिकी विघटन के परिणामस्वरूप यूरोप को अपने बचाव की ओर देखना चाहिए )
  • Effective work-related learning experiences can help tackle youth disengagement. ( प्रभावी कार्य-संबंधी सीखने के अनुभव युवाओं के विघटन से निपटने में मदद कर सकते हैं। )
  • It brings out the growing disengagement with formal politics, and makes 30 important recommendations for change. ( यह औपचारिक राजनीति के साथ बढ़ते अलगाव को सामने लाता है, और बदलाव के लिए 30 महत्वपूर्ण सिफारिशें करता है। )

More Sentence

  • If politicians want to address political disengagement they must be prepared to take the steps that reach out to the politically disengaged.
  • Differences lie in the way in which individuals choose to commit moral disengagement.
  • The price would be obvious - an open handed American welcome for British disengagement from the European project.
  • Changing the electoral system would do little to address these more fundamental catalysts of public disengagement.
  • The sudden disengagement was like a dowse of ice-cold water.
  • He noticed, with an impassive disengagement, how Ravan watched the other mercenaries, positioned himself to aide in battle, and defended a man down.
  • I suppose, Cathy, finally decided the intimacy was getting out of hand and just when I thought that we were about to cross the line, I felt a slow but deliberate disengagement on her part.
  • Neither complete disengagement between church and state, nor complete identification of church with the state, will work for Methodists.
  • The practice of our politics Of course it is for each individual party to frame its own response to the challenge of voter disengagement.
  • This can be clearly seen in the rapid and disturbing growth of young people's disengagement from the electoral and political system.
  • The former soviet dissident was expected to speak of democratic ideals, not disengagement.
  • Irish nationalists sought various levels of disengagement from the Union that had taken place in 1800.
  • It is necessary to dwell at length upon Poggio's devotion to the task of recovering the classics, and upon his disengagement from all but humanistic interests, because these were the most marked feature of his character and career.
  • This disengagement from local circumstance without the sacrifice of emotional sincerity is a merit in Petrarch, but it became a fault in his imitators.
  • To the high conception of Italian nationality, to the belief in that spiritual unity which underlay her many discords and divisions, Petrarch attained partly through his disengagement from civic and local partisanship, partly through his large and liberal ideal of culture.
  • contemporary criticism can afford neutral disengagement
  • the mechanism prevents accidental disengagement