disdain - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disdain in Hindi
- तिरस्कार
- घृणा
- अवहेलना
- घृष्टता
- अवहेलना
- घिनाना
- घृणा करना
- तुच्छ समझना
- तिरस्कार करना
- उपेक्षा करना
disdain Definition
- the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt.
- consider to be unworthy of one's consideration.
disdain Example
- An aristocratic disdain for manual labor ( शारीरिक श्रम के लिए एक कुलीन तिरस्कार )
- During the exam, my teacher looked at me with disdain when I attempted to glance at my neighbor's test. ( परीक्षा के दौरान, जब मैंने अपने पड़ोसी की परीक्षा पर नज़र डालने की कोशिश की, तो मेरे शिक्षक ने मुझे तिरस्कार से देखा। )
- When the politician attacked the separation of church and state, he showed clear disdain for the constitution. ( जब राजनेता ने चर्च और राज्य के अलगाव पर हमला किया, तो उन्होंने संविधान के प्रति स्पष्ट तिरस्कार दिखाया।जब राजनेता ने चर्च और राज्य के अलगाव पर हमला किया, तो उन्होंने संविधान के प्रति स्पष्ट तिरस्कार दिखाया। )
- People hold the secretary in complete disdain for his lavish purchase of a $30,000 desk on the public dime. ( सार्वजनिक रूप से 30,000 डॉलर की डेस्क की भव्य खरीद के लिए लोग सचिव को पूरी तरह से तिरस्कार में रखते हैं। )
More Sentecne
- He was sure she would not so punish him again, but her disdain would not be needed.
- He even left the papal palace in disdain when he found his labors unappreciated.
- There was something in the calm disdain of it which pleased me, and struck me as characteristic.
- Does he disdain to have recourse, hap-hazard, to the little artifices of eloquence?
- She tilted her nose, however, in vast disdain at the tenor of the rest of the letter.
- Men, as much from disdain as from a fancied superiority, have denied us all learning; Mme.
- Maybe thou no longer lovest us, yet I think thou wilt not disdain this gift for thy wife.
- The Count of Nideck does not disdain Sperver, the old hawk, the true man of the woods.
- Intrenched in their possessions the landed class looked down with haughty disdain upon the farming and laboring classes.
- The offer was generous, but the garrison rejected it with a good-tempered disdain and the siege went on with renewed earnestness.
- Infinite disdain was expressed in his countenance.
- She pulled back in disdain appalled by his actions.
- Barron frowned and gave the mayor a look of disdain.
- He looked over at me with disdain, said, Wrong name.
- He tried to apply the treatment of disdain to Amaranta.
- The pasture of misers is compounded of money and disdain.
- The judge gazed at Moses for several moments with disdain.
- Standing taller Slikit cast Soffen a look full of disdain.
- We try to give tips—which are usually met with disdain.
- It was brief in its duration but it was a look of disdain.
- It is a necessary and warrantable pride to disdain to walk servilely behind any individual, however elevated his rank.
- I hold disdain for those who want something for nothing.
- The woman looked at her male abuser with disdain as he walked into the courtroom.
- I can't help but look at my homeless son with disdain and disappointment.
- Though I have my disdain for Walmart, it's the only store that carries the coffee I like to drink.
- Protesting in the middle of the freeway is not a way to express your disdain for any cause whatsoever.
- Her upper lip curled in disdain
- Gamblers disdain four-horse races