barrier - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of barrier in Hindi
- बैरियर
- अवरोध
- घेरा
- आड़
- प्रतिबंध
- सीमागुल्म
- स्र्कावट
- नाका
- रोध
barrier Definition
- a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access. ( एक बाड़ या अन्य बाधा जो आंदोलन या पहुंच को रोकती है। )
barrier Example
- Roofs were torn off, stop lights dangled precariously and bridges from the mainland to barrier islands were flooded. ( छतों को फाड़ दिया गया, स्टॉप लाइटों को अनिश्चित रूप से खतरे में डाल दिया गया और मुख्य भूमि से बैरियर द्वीपों तक पुलों को भर दिया गया। )
- The only real injury that I suffered was when I wrenched my knee jumping down from the barrier fence getting out of the ring. ( एकमात्र वास्तविक चोट जो मुझे लगी थी, जब मैंने अपने घुटने को रिंग से बाहर निकलते हुए बैरियर की बाड़ से नीचे फेंका था। )
- One, the people here in Galveston, this narrow strip of barrier island, are taking the evacuation notice very seriously. ( एक, गैरिस्टोन में यहां के लोग, बाधा द्वीप की यह संकीर्ण पट्टी, निकासी नोटिस को बहुत गंभीरता से ले रहे हैं। )
- The tahsildar had to intervene and put up a barrier blocking the movement of people and vehicles. ( तहसीलदार को हस्तक्षेप करना पड़ा और लोगों और वाहनों की आवाजाही को रोकते हुए अवरोधक डाल दिया। )
- The picador is seen drawn up at a short distance from the barrier . ( बैरियर से कुछ ही दूरी पर चित्रकूट खींचा हुआ दिखाई देता है। )
- But even out here on the barrier islands we'll have at least 10 feet of storm surge. ( लेकिन यहां तक कि यहाँ बाधा द्वीपों पर हम कम से कम 10 फीट की तूफानी बारिश करेंगे। )
- When the eye gets up to the coastline and the winds come from the south, that's when that storm surge is really going to push over the barrier islands and up into the bay. ( जब आंख समुद्र तट पर उठती है और हवाएँ दक्षिण से आती हैं, तो उस तूफान के बढ़ने से वास्तव में बैरियर द्वीपों और खाड़ी में ऊपर की ओर बढ़ने लगता है। )
- In the western world, the sea has come to be regarded as a barrier , restricting our movements. ( पश्चिमी दुनिया में, समुद्र को एक बाधा के रूप में माना जाता है, जो हमारे आंदोलनों को प्रतिबंधित करता है।)
- Bob Franken reports on the damage on Sanibel, one of the barrier islands to first feel the brunt of that storm. ( पहली बार उस तूफान का खौफ महसूस करने के लिए बैरियर द्वीपों में से एक, सैनिबेल पर क्षति के बारे में बॉब फ्रेंकेन की रिपोर्ट। )
More Sentence
- the mountain barrier between Norway and Sweden
- a language barrier
- New Orleans allowed development for decades that actually weakened the barrier islands, encouraged erosion.
- Starting wide from barrier 10 Gladwin wasted no time in challenging by charging to the lead beside Compass Boy.
- In these areas, common cider pairs, flocks, and broods were concentrated close to barrier islands.
- This is, after all, a barrier island so it can be very vulnerable to storms.
- There are a lot of areas that present real challenges for us, because we not only have people living in the mainland but in barrier islands around our city.
- A lot of them saying they felt they were somewhat protected because there are barrier islands between them and the Gulf.
- The outer-bounding coastline is generally a narrow strip of land or a chain of barrier islands.
- They are warm, but the language barrier keeps us apart.
- Starting out of barrier two He's Tough Enough led from start to finish and went to the line a length in front of the well supported Al Tayar at 7 / 4.
- Bar-built Estuaries form when a shallow lagoon or bay is protected from the ocean by a sand bar or barrier island.
- Sometimes even the language barrier cannot keep hypocrites apart.
- This is how the barrier island main street near the zoo looked as the storm rolled in.
- Not surprisingly, the barrier islands protecting this region have deteriorated to an alarming extent and are in need of restoration.
- The mountains provided a natural barrier to allow the settlers to build their own eco-system.
- The only barrier is to the movement of cars onto the streetcar tracks.
- The language barrier prevented direct access to the sources of supply of Chinese goods and to their final customers.
- She also says that barrier controlled car parks have to be manned at all times so staff can let disabled people out.
- The buried debris then acts as a physical barrier to the movement of water upward and downward.
- The Oceanlab team discovered that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a barrier to the movement of deep-sea fish between the east and west Atlantic Ocean.