discursive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of discursive in Hindi

  • असंबद्ध
  • विवादी
  • अप्रसंगिक
  • विवाद-जनक
  • अवांतर
  • तार्किक

discursive Definition


  • digressing from subject to subject.
  • relating to discourse or modes of discourse.
  • proceeding by argument or reasoning rather than by intuition.

discursive Example

  • students often write dull, secondhand, discursive prose ( छात्र अक्सर नीरस, अप्रचलित, विवेचनात्मक गद्य लिखते हैं )
  • the short story is concentrated, whereas the novel is discursive ( लघुकथा केंद्रित है, जबकि उपन्यास विवेकपूर्ण है )
  • He was, for his time, a voluminous as well as a very discursive writer. ( वह अपने समय के लिए, एक स्वैच्छिक और साथ ही एक बहुत ही विवेकपूर्ण लेखक थे। )
  • It is discursive and badly arranged, but it is marked by a power of style, a vigour of narrative, and a skill in delineation of character which give life to the most unattractive period of German history; notwithstanding the extreme spirit of partisanship and some faults of taste, it will remain a remarkable monument of literary ability. ( यह विवादास्पद और बुरी तरह से व्यवस्थित है, लेकिन यह शैली की शक्ति, कथा की ताकत और चरित्र के चित्रण में एक कौशल द्वारा चिह्नित है जो जर्मन इतिहास की सबसे अनाकर्षक अवधि को जीवन देता है; पक्षपात की चरम भावना और स्वाद के कुछ दोषों के बावजूद, यह साहित्यिक क्षमता का एक उल्लेखनीय स्मारक बना रहेगा। )

More Sentence

  • The source of all our knowledge is experience and discursive thought, which manipulates the materials of sense.
  • Clement is exceedingly discursive, and his letter reaches twice the length of the Epistle to the Hebrews.
  • The professor’s lecture was hard to follow because of its discursive tone.  
  • Confused by the question, the politician gave only a discursive response to the reporter.  
  • Although I paid a great deal of attention to the debate, the discursive dialogue really confused me.  
  • Because he was nervous during his speech, the young boy lost his train of thought and began to speak in a discursive way.
  • Two years afterwards the greatest man born since the death of Shakespeare paid homage to the greatest of his predecessors in a volume of magnificent and discursive eloquence which bore the title of William Shakespeare, and might, as its author admitted and suggested, more properly have been entitled A propos de Shakespeare.
  • noticed above between the Iliad and the Odyssey, and between Homer and the early Cyclic poems. And the peculiar degradation of Homeric characters which appears in some poets (especially Euripides) finds a parallel in the later chansons de geste.3 The comparison of Homer with the great literary epics calls for more discursive treatment than would be in place here.
  • The combining, discursive imagination proceeds from details to the vaguely-perceived unity.
  • His course homeward was, I fear, usually more discursive than that of his coming.
  • But we must now confine ourselves to quoting a few detached passages from this discursive chronicle.
  • I have been discursive with an idea of entertaining for a time the suffering members of the family; 3rd.
  • Observations so discursive as these can hardly be finished; they must break off abruptly, or else go on forever.
  • It is a discursive subject that of itself breeds laggard humours, inclines you to reverie, and suggests a discursive style.
  • But it would take years, if not a lifetime, to render the manuscript of so discursive a work complete and correct.
  • Even greater was the support it received later on from the Puranas, a class of poetical works of a partly legendary, partly discursive and controversial character, mainly composed in the interest of special deities, of which eighteen principal (maha-purana) and as many secondary ones (upa-purana) are recognized, the oldest of which may go back to about the 4th century of our era.
  • In mastery of prose language he has never been surpassed, when he chose to curb his florid imagination and his discursive eagerness of soul.
  • the attempt to transform utterances from one discursive context to another