disadvantage - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disadvantage in Hindi

  • हानि
  • नुकसान
  • अलाभ
  • प्रतिकूल परिस्थिति
  • अहित


  • हानि
  • दोष
  • त्रुटि
  • नुक़सान
  • क्षति
  • ख़राबी


  • नुक़सान पहुंचाना
  • क्षति पहुंचाना
  • हानि पहुंचाना

disadvantage Definition


  • an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness.


  • place in an unfavorable position in relation to someone or something else.

disadvantage Example

  • The impact of poverty and disadvantage on children ( बच्चों पर गरीबी और नुकसान का प्रभाव )
  • The king of Servia was killed and his army cut to pieces, though the Turks numbered but 40,000 and had all the disadvantage of the position. ( सेर्विया का राजा मारा गया और उसकी सेना के टुकड़े-टुकड़े हो गए, हालाँकि तुर्कों की संख्या ४०,००० थी और स्थिति के सभी नुकसान थे। )
  • The short fighter’s height was a disadvantage when facing a six-foot opponent. ( छह फुट के प्रतिद्वंद्वी का सामना करते समय शॉर्ट फाइटर की ऊंचाई एक नुकसान थी। )
  • One disadvantage or booking a late flight is that if you miss it, you might have to wait until the morning. ( एक नुकसान या देर से उड़ान की बुकिंग यह है कि यदि आप इसे याद करते हैं, तो आपको सुबह तक इंतजार करना पड़ सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • The newbie poker player’s lack of experience is a big disadvantage.  
  • When applying for the mortgage loan, the borrower’s low credit score was a major disadvantage.
  • The major disadvantage of these is the relative lack of detail you get.
  • It was the liberal-minded Germans who were instrumental in the first place in getting them passed; while the Sla y s from the beginning took up - to their own disadvantage - a hostile or at least passive attitude towards the establishment of these laws."
  • I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage... who are you?
  • Gas has the disadvantage that in case of a collision its inflammability may assist ally fire that may be started.
  • The disadvantage of this choice is the loss of the out and out off-road ability of your bike.
  • Schools in areas of socio-economic disadvantage were also given priority.
  • The biggest disadvantage to the Medela pumps is their price.
  • Another disadvantage is there may be a lot of peer pressure involved.
  • He was at a distinct disadvantage and knew it, and the knowledge irritated him.
  • Establishing a close rapport with another mind can be a distinct disadvantage at times.
  • This disadvantage is further increased by the attachment of the motive muscles near the joint.
  • The main disadvantage is that we rarely get a chance to wash or change our clothes.
  • The biggest disadvantage of the diaphragm is the difficulty of insertion for many women.
  • A major disadvantage is the limited nature of the data