diphtheria - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diphtheria in Hindi

  • डिप्थीरिया
  • रोहिणी
  • गलझिल्ली का प्रदाह


  • कण्ठ का एक पकड़ने का छोटा जाल
  • डिफ़्टेरिया

diphtheria Definition


  • an acute, highly contagious bacterial disease causing inflammation of the mucous membranes, formation of a false membrane in the throat that hinders breathing and swallowing, and potentially fatal heart and nerve damage by a bacterial toxin in the blood. It is now rare in developed countries because of immunization.

diphtheria Example

  • The vexed question of the diagnosis of diphtheria is now a thing of the past. ( डिप्थीरिया के निदान का उलझा हुआ सवाल अब बीते दिनों की बात हो गई है। )
  • In the 1920s, we got a vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis, tuberculosis, and tetanus. ( 1920 के दशक में, हमें डिप्थीरिया, पर्टुसिस, तपेदिक और टेटनस के लिए एक टीका मिला। )
  • Thus, to mention examples, diphtheria toxin produces inflammatory oedema which may be followed by necrosis; dead tubercle bacilli give rise to a tubercle-like nodule, &c. Furthermore, a bacillus may give rise to more than one toxic body, either as stages in one process of change or as distinct products. ( इस प्रकार, उदाहरणों का उल्लेख करने के लिए, डिप्थीरिया विष भड़काऊ शोफ पैदा करता है जिसके बाद परिगलन हो सकता है; मृत ट्यूबरकल बेसिली एक ट्यूबरकल जैसे नोड्यूल को जन्म देती है, और सी। इसके अलावा, एक बेसिलस एक से अधिक जहरीले शरीर को जन्म दे सकता है, या तो परिवर्तन की एक प्रक्रिया में चरणों के रूप में या अलग उत्पादों के रूप में। )
  • in the case of the tetanus and diphtheria bacilli, the production of soluble toxins can be readily demonstrated by filtering a culture in bouillon germ-free by means of a porcelain filter, and then injecting some of the filtrate into an animal. ( टेटनस और डिप्थीरिया बेसिली के मामले में, घुलनशील विषाक्त पदार्थों के उत्पादन को एक चीनी मिट्टी के बरतन फिल्टर के माध्यम से बुउलॉन रोगाणु मुक्त में एक संस्कृति को फ़िल्टर करके और फिर कुछ छानने को एक जानवर में इंजेक्ट करके आसानी से प्रदर्शित किया जा सकता है। )

More sentence 

  • Intermittent fever and diphtheria are prevailing both in the city and the adjacent villages.
  • Subcultivate such as appear to be composed of diphtheria bacilli in glucose peptone solution.
  • The latter will completely sterilize a thread dipped in a pure culture of the diphtheria bacillus.
  • None of these vaccines is so powerful, or so certain in its effects, as the diphtheria antitoxin.
  • In several cases, the diphtheria germ has actually been isolated from infected milk supplies.
  • They are from the Koursk village, where people are dying of diphtheria like flies!
  • In diphtheria the time varies much; it may be only one day, and it may be one or two weeks.
  • Thus the organisms of suppuration, tubercle, glanders, diphtheria, typhoid fever, cholera, tetanus, and others were identified, and their relationship to the individual diseases established.
  • A new field of inquiry was, however, opened up when, by filtration a bacterium-free toxic fluid was obtained which produced the important symptoms of the disease-in the case of diphtheria by P. P. E.
  • Thus paralysis following diphtheria is in all probability due to a different toxin from that which causes the acute symptoms of poisoning or possibly to a modification of it sometimes formed in specially large amount.
  • Thus in cholera the bacteria are practically confined to the intestine, in diphtheria to the region of the false membrane, in tetanus to some wound.
  • Typhus, diphtheria, dysentery, they all took their toll.
  • There had been a daughter, I heard, but she had died of diphtheria while on a visit to Birmingham.
  • How? Why, people ill of diphtheria sleep in the kitchen, which is in constant communication with the whole house.
  • I mean I could have caught diphtheria or typhoid or honkus of the ponkus swimming in that gunk filled river, but in I go.
  • But he died prematurely of diphtheria, and Rosamond afterwards married an elderly and wealthy physician, who took kindly to her four children.
  • Quite irrespective of the nature of the anatomical lesion, the finding of the diphtheria bacillus on the part affected and the inoculability of this upon a suitable fresh soil are the sole means by which the diagnosis can be made certain.