diebetes - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diebetes in Hindi

  • मधुमेह
  • बहुमूत्र रोग
  • प्रमेह

diebetes Definition


  • a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine.

diebetes Example

  • Combined with opium it is an efficient remedy in diabetes insipidus. ( अफीम के साथ मिलकर यह डायबिटीज इन्सिपिडस में एक कारगर उपाय है। )
  • By the revelations of this instrument not only have the diseases of the eye been illuminated, but much light has been thrown also upon the part of the eye in more general maladies; as, for instance, in syphilis, in diabetes, in kidney diseases, and in diseases of the brain - F. ( इस यंत्र के प्रकटीकरण से न केवल आँख के रोग प्रकाशित हुए हैं, बल्कि अधिक सामान्य रोगों में आँख के हिस्से पर भी बहुत प्रकाश डाला गया है; उदाहरण के लिए, उपदंश में, मधुमेह में, गुर्दे की बीमारियों में और मस्तिष्क के रोगों में - एफ. )
  • The most common diseases of malassimilation (or "metabolic" diseases) are gout, rheumatism and diabetes. ( कुरूपता (या "चयापचय" रोग) की सबसे आम बीमारियां गठिया, गठिया और मधुमेह हैं। )
  • People with a high risk of Diabetes Obese patients, especially abdominal obesity. ( मधुमेह के उच्च जोखिम वाले लोग मोटे रोगी, विशेष रूप से पेट का मोटापा। )

More Sentence

  • aged under 65 yrs with a history of diabetes or hypertension.
  • Diabetes risk Patients on beta blockers are also up to 30 per cent more likely to develop diabetes.
  • Diabetes yourself a leads spare fuses or just to.
  • It is a common complication of Diabetes Mellitus, for example.
  • It's difficult to see diabetes in a sentence .
  • Obesity can lead to diabetes, heart problems and other illnesses.
  • Current research shows that diabetes has reached near-epidemic proportions.
  • At present, unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetes.
  • "Old people don't have their diabetes medicine.
  • Medications to control diabetes and directly to reduce triglycerides are available.
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in the United States.
  • The cause was prostate cancer and diabetes, family members said.
  • Only a battle with heart disease and diabetes slowed her down.
  • The incidence of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases has increased along with the dramatic increase in meat consumption during the twentieth century.
  • adolescents with diabetes.
  • autoimmune diseases which are more common in people with diabetes.