anaesthetic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of anaesthetic in Hindi
- चतनाशून्य करनेवाली औषधि
- संवेदनाहारी
- निश्चेतक
- चेतनाहारी
- चेतनाहार
- संवेदनानाशक
- चेतनानाशक
- बेहोश करने वाली (दवा)
- असंवेदनकारी
- चेतनालोपी
anaesthetic Definition
- a substance that induces insensitivity to pain. ( एक पदार्थ जो दर्द के प्रति असंवेदनशीलता पैदा करता है। )
- the study or practice of anesthesia. ( संज्ञाहरण का अध्ययन या अभ्यास। )
- inducing or relating to insensitivity to pain. ( दर्द के प्रति असंवेदनशीलता से प्रेरित या संबंधित। )
anaesthetic Example
- These will usually contain corticosteroids to reduce inflammation or an anaesthetic to relieve pain or antibiotics. ( ये आमतौर पर दर्द या एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं को राहत देने के लिए सूजन या एक संवेदनाहारी को कम करने के लिए कॉर्टिकोस्टेरॉइड होते हैं। )
- The resident medical registrar assessed a number of our patients after anaesthetic assessment, and they subsequently underwent surgery. ( निवासी चिकित्सा रजिस्ट्रार ने संवेदनाहारी मूल्यांकन के बाद हमारे कई रोगियों का आकलन किया, और बाद में उनकी सर्जरी की गई। )
- under general anaesthetic ( सामान्य संवेदनाहारी के तहत )
- We investigated mortality in a population of trauma patients who were intubated before reaching hospital without anaesthetic drugs being used. ( हमने आघात के रोगियों की आबादी में मृत्यु दर की जांच की, जिन्हें एनेस्थेटिक दवाओं के बिना अस्पताल पहुंचने से पहले इंटुबैट किया गया था। )
- These include normal doses of anaesthetic agents, overdoses of sedative drugs or alcohol, and a generalized epileptic seizure. ( इनमें संवेदनाहारी एजेंटों की सामान्य खुराक, शामक दवाओं या अल्कोहल की ओवरडोज़ और एक सामान्यीकृत मिरगी का दौरा शामिल है। )
- Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process. ( इसके साथ संयुक्त, हम प्रक्रिया के दौरान आपको बहकाने के लिए एक वैलियम-प्रकार की दवा और एक अंतःशिरा संवेदनाहारी एजेंट का संयोजन देते हैं। )
- anaesthetic drug ( संवेदनाहारी दवा )
More Sentence
- It is also possible to induce anaesthesia with anaesthetic gases, breathed through a mask.
- I was given a local anaesthetic
- The gas used for anaesthetic purposes is a mixture of 80 per cent nitrous oxide and 20 per cent oxygen.
- Nowadays, general anaesthesia is seldom administered via a mask and anaesthetic gas or vapour.
- He was appalled and immediately decreed that all patients receiving such therapy should have proper anaesthetic cover.
- The epidural anesthetic blocked pain messages and appeared to also prevent remodeling of pain neurons.
- Doctors treated Jeanne with a combination of anesthetic and antiviral drugs to protect her brain and nervous system from the effects of the disease.
- There were, he said, difficulties in recruitment across a wide range of specialties, particularly surgery and anaesthetics .
- Review of medical records identified evidence of an adverse reaction during previous anesthetic procedures in five participants.
- The anesthesiologist administered the epidural anesthetic , rotated off call, and left the hospital.
- Among the services which board management are proposing to hit are radiology, anaesthetics , foster care and services for those with autism, addiction problems and disabilities.
- One area of concern is the interaction of herbal products with anesthetic agents.
- Contact dermatitis in the ear canal can result from almost any local irritant, including topical anti-infective agents and anesthetics and other topical preparations.
- Athletes should never use topical anesthetics so they can keep playing.
- In group III, biopsies were taken one minute after the injection of the local anesthetic .
- The biggest improvements were seen in medical specialties and anaesthetics .
- Most unfilled posts were in general medicine and surgery, but there were also large numbers in anaesthetics , pathology, and psychiatry.
- The patients are usually stable after 24 to 48 hours at which point they are taken off the muscle relaxants and anesthetics .
- For a nerve block, a doctor injects a local anesthetic - a medication that blocks nerve signals - around a nerve.
- However, the invasiveness of open incisional or excisional biopsy carries the risk of surgical and anesthetic complications.
- At the same time, I started a job in anaesthetics where I was breathing in fluoridated gases on a daily basis.
- Other virtual reality applications are being used in mental health, anaesthetics , and emergency medicine.
- There is a non-compliance rate of 45% in paediatrics, with surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, medicine, and anaesthetics following close behind.