die - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of die in Hindi
- मरना
- मर जाना
- नष्ट होना
- छाप लगाना
- गुज़र जाना
- रूह निकलना
- दम टूटना
- मुहर लगाना
- गुमना
- गुम होना
- ग़ायब होना
- डाई
- मृत्यु होना
- देहान्त होना
- छाप
- ठप्पा
- जोखिम
- पासा
- मुहर
- लकड़ी का छोटा टुकड़ा
- सांचा
- कामयाबी
- ख़तरा
die Definition
- (of a person, animal, or plant) stop living.
- used to emphasize that one wants to do or have something very much.
- have an orgasm.
- singular form of dice.
- a device for cutting or molding metal into a particular shape.
- the cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth.
die Example
- her genius has assured her name will never die ( उसकी प्रतिभा ने आश्वासन दिया है कि उसका नाम कभी नहीं मरेगा )
- "Doesn't make a difference now if I die this weekend, does it?" he mused. ( "क्या अब कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता अगर मैं इस सप्ताह के अंत में मर जाऊं, है ना?" उसने सोचा। )
- Alex might die – technically, had died. ( एलेक्स मर सकता है - तकनीकी रूप से, मर गया था। )
- There again, it's hard to say whether they die from natural causes or attacks by predators. ( वहाँ फिर से, यह कहना मुश्किल है कि वे प्राकृतिक कारणों से मरते हैं या शिकारियों के हमलों से। )
More Sentence
- There are some people who deserve to die, like Blackie—like that sheriff—like me.
- Slayton, who died last year of cancer at age 69.
- Bryant died in 1979 and she sold the business in 1989.
- Jerry Mays, 54, died at his home in Dallas.
- Each day, an estimated 93 Americans die from the disease.
- Tucker's companion died in 1993 while on Death Row.
- It's difficult to see die in a sentence .
- Two days later, the composer died of a cerebral hemorrhage.
- That kind of consumer freedom would mean weak channels would die.
- When I die, I am going to be frozen cryogenically.
- I'll better his total before I die and they'll not know I ever existed... unless someone sees me in their crystal ball.
- I crawled to my knees and vomited, and thinking I'd die my throat hurt so badly to do so.
- Men like Jake wouldn't want to die any other way than honorably defending people like you.
- She didn't deserve to die, regardless of her intent.
- She steadied her breathing, swearing to herself that these would be the last to die at her father's hands.
- His first foster mother died of cancer seven months after Adam.
- The verdicts leave open the question of exactly why Young died.
- Matthew Cooley suffered a seizure and died three months before Young.
- Their three other brothers and sisters had died, he said.
- -- Wolf died insane, with symptoms of tertiary syphilis.
- He didn't have to wonder where he'd die-- only how.
- "I'm not lucky enough to die," he said with a faint smile.
- I told her when I returned from my preparations in the cabin I'd better find my little angle quiet or she could watch her mother die before her eyes.
- No one else will die because of me.
- He deserved to die for inconveniencing me.
- they were prepared to die for their country