cushion - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cushion in Hindi
- तकिया
- मसनद
- गुंजाइश
- तकिया लगाना
- गद्दों से सजाना
cushion Definition
- a pillow or pad stuffed with a mass of soft material, used as a comfortable support for sitting or leaning on.
- soften the effect of an impact on.
cushion Example
- a poll showed the candidate with a 14-point cushion ( एक सर्वेक्षण ने उम्मीदवार को 14-बिंदु कुशन के साथ दिखाया )
- This couch has two matching cushions that come with it. ( इस सोफे में दो मैचिंग कुशन हैं जो इसके साथ आते हैं। )
- Most cars today come equipped with an airbag to cushion the passengers in case of an accident. ( दुर्घटना की स्थिति में यात्रियों को आराम देने के लिए आज अधिकांश कारें एयरबैग से सुसज्जित हैं। )
- The wine glasses are packed in Styrofoam chips to cushion the glasses in case the box is dropped. ( वाइन ग्लास को स्टायरोफोम चिप्स में पैक किया जाता है ताकि बॉक्स के गिरने की स्थिति में ग्लास को कुशन किया जा सके। )
More Sentence
- The tax increase will be cushioned by a subsidy to industries that expand their workforce.
- Sabatini seated himself comfortably at the end of the sofa and placed a cushion behind his head.
- Of the two beautiful angels which hold the cushion the heads fortunately remain.
- Then he entered the tent and disposed of himself in a straw chair, that had a cushion to it.
- Both hit the wall hard, their eyes closed as if that would cushion the pain of impact in some way.
- His head, resting on a cushion of violet brocade, had fallen slightly to one side.
- When Jan came back with the cushion she went to get another cookie, but there were none.
- I even deserted the cushion on which I had slept so long, and slept higher up on an ottoman.
- At these words the captain of the bodyguard touched the jewelled hilt of his scimitar lying on the cushion by his side.
- The children piled cushions in front of the sofa and then jumped onto them.
- The spacecars in the movie were able to move about by floating on a cushion of air.
- The eight ball bounced off the side cushion and rolled into the corner pocket.
- The stuffing is coming out of one of the cushions on the sofa.
- The cyclist's helmet cushioned the blow to his head when he crashed during the race.
- We need to save up some money as a cushion for times when sales are low.
- We got a nice new cushioned saddle for mum's bicycle so she'll be more comfortable during long rides.
- The padding in the shoe cushions your foot for added comfort.
- Booth Tarkington once said, Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age.
- I hurt my back, and had to sit with a couple of cushions behind me in order to feel comfortable.
- We have been putting money aside each month to give us a nice cushion for our old age.
- he called for federal assistance to cushion the blow for farmers
- the pad forms a cushion between carpet and floor