emaclated - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of emaclated in Hindi

  • क्षीण

emaclated Definition


  • extremely thin and weak because of illness, lack of food, etc.

emaclated Example

  • His emaciated young face, disfigured by the half-shaven head, hung down hopelessly. ( उसका क्षीण युवा चेहरा, आधा मुंडा सिर से विकृत, निराशाजनक रूप से नीचे लटका हुआ था। )
  • She looked down at her expanded figure and in the glass at her pale, sallow, emaciated face in which her eyes now looked larger than ever. ( उसने अपने बढ़े हुए फिगर को नीचे देखा और गिलास में अपने पीला, पीला, क्षीण चेहरा, जिसमें उसकी आँखें अब पहले से कहीं ज्यादा बड़ी लग रही थीं। )
  • He was unshaven and emaciated. ( वह मुंडा और दुर्बल था। )
  • She took his emaciated hand in hers. ( उसने अपना क्षीण हाथ अपने ऊपर ले लिया। )

More Sentence

  • Victims become feverish and lose their appetites, eventually becoming emaciated.
  • At the meeting, Lempke finds Billy emaciated and near death.
  • They found him finally in a cave, sick and emaciated.
  • The thirteen Jews, though emaciated and weak, were free.
  • While being somewhat scrappy and emaciated, she is nearly unkillable.
  • Rink, tall and thin, was almost emaciated in frame.
  • She was criticized by poet Th閛phile Gautier for her emaciated appearance.
  • It's difficult to see emaciated in a sentence .
  • Mr . Williams was emaciated and bent forward to achieve his.
  • My past was no longer an emaciated.
  • His face was emaciated and deathly pale.
  • Seven hours a day he spent on his knees in prayer and three times a day he scourged his emaciated body.
  • The olive complexion, a face emaciated by austerities, the large forehead, the brilliant and small eyes, the high bald head tell their own tale.
  • Livingstone reached the Portuguese settlement of Tete on the 2nd of March 1856, in a very emaciated condition.