diaphragm - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diaphragm in Hindi

  • डायाफ्राम
  • मध्यपट
  • मध्यछद

diaphragm Definition


  • a dome-shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. It plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs.
  • a thin sheet of material forming a partition.
  • a thin contraceptive cap fitting over the cervix.
  • a device for varying the effective aperture of the lens in a camera or other optical system.

diaphragm Example

  • These blocks were fastened to a diaphragm of wood. ( इन ब्लॉकों को लकड़ी के डायाफ्राम से बांधा गया था। )
  • The anterior surface is in contact with the diaphragm and the anterior abdominal wall. ( पूर्वकाल सतह डायाफ्राम और पूर्वकाल पेट की दीवार के संपर्क में है। )
  • The right surface of the liver is covered with peritoneum and is in contact with the diaphragm, outside which are the pleura and lower ribs. ( जिगर की दाहिनी सतह पेरिटोनियम से ढकी होती है और डायाफ्राम के संपर्क में होती है, जिसके बाहर फुस्फुस और निचली पसलियां होती हैं। )
  • (2) The Castner-Kellner process employs no diaphragm, but a mercurial cathode. ( (२) कास्टनर-केल्नर प्रक्रिया में कोई डायाफ्राम नहीं होता है, बल्कि एक मर्क्यूरियल कैथोड होता है। )

More Sentence

  • The illuminating apparatus and cylinder diaphragm are easily interchangeable.
  • The illuminating apparatus and cylinder diaphragm are easily interchangeable.
  • The regulation of the cylinder iris diaphragm is accomplished by means of a lever.
  • The motor power lies in the diaphragm and in the abdominal and intercostal muscles.
  • A large mouthpiece to concentrate sound on to the diaphragm completed the apparatus.
  • A mouthpiece to converge the sound upon this diaphragm substantially completes the arrangement.
  • The cylinder iris diaphragm comes into play when the condenser is swung out of position.
  • Illuminating apparatus and iris- diaphragm with lateral screw for raising and lowering.
  • It says above that if the movement of the diaphragm is stopped, the breath will be held.
  • In this construction the lenses are much closer together and the diaphragm for the eye is much farther from the lenses than in Ramsden's eye-piece.
  • They drown in their own juices because their diaphragm is paralyzed.
  • Bergen projects everything from her diaphragm like it's Shakespeare.
  • I am very large; I have a lot of diaphragm.
  • _Pancuronium bromide ( muscle relaxant : collapses diaphragm and lungs)
  • Efferent signals are the motor neuronal signals descending to the diaphragm.
  • The muscle fibres of the diaphragm emerge from many surrounding structures.
  • In birds and mammals, lungs are located above the diaphragm.
  • Oil-based products should not be used with latex diaphragms.
  • The urethral diaphragm is an anatomic landmark used in urethral injury.
  • When setting up a shot this keeps the diaphragm fully open.
  • In the diaphragm valve a thin piece of metal is fixed to an outlet from the boiler, and when a moderate pressure is exceeded this gives way, allowing the water and steam to escape.
  • (5) The Hargreaves-Bird process avoids certain drawbacks attached to other processes, by employing a wire diaphragm and converting the caustic soda as it issues on the other side of this, by means of carbon dioxide, into a mixture of sodium carbonate and bicarbonate, which separates out in the solid state.