discoverer - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of discoverer in Hindi

  • खोज करनेवाला
  • आविष्कारक
  • आविष्कर्ता


  • खोज करनेवाला
  • जांच करनेवाला
  • आविष्कार करनेवाला

discoverer Definition


  • the first person to find or explore a place.

discoverer Example

  • Browne, its original discoverer, cannot be restored. ( ब्राउन, इसके मूल खोजकर्ता को बहाल नहीं किया जा सकता है। )
  • Burckhardt, who had already won a reputation as the discoverer of Petra, and whose experience of travel in Arab lands and knowledge of Arab life qualified him to pass as a Moslem, even in the headquarters of Islam. ( बर्कहार्ट, जो पहले से ही पेट्रा के खोजकर्ता के रूप में ख्याति प्राप्त कर चुके थे, और जिनके अरब देशों में यात्रा के अनुभव और अरब जीवन के ज्ञान ने उन्हें इस्लाम के मुख्यालय में भी एक मुसलमान के रूप में पारित करने के लिए योग्य बनाया। ) 
  • Attempt by help of the old philosophy, the discoverer not being in possession of modern knowledge. ( पुराने दर्शन की मदद से प्रयास, खोजकर्ता के पास आधुनिक ज्ञान नहीं है। )
  • The discoverer swallowed a lump of dis appointment, and turned about to find another genius. ( खोजकर्ता ने निराशा की एक गांठ को निगल लिया, और एक और प्रतिभा को खोजने के लिए मुड़ गया। )

More Sentence

  • It will be remembered that Galileo was the discoverer of the craters on the moon.
  • It is vouched for by Harvey, the distinguished discoverer of the circulation of the blood.
  • It was written to appease the Inquisitors, who, to the last, suspected the discoverer of heresy.
  • The zoological boundary passing through the Bali Strait is called " Wallace's line," after the eminent naturalist who was its discoverer.
  • It is readily understood why men imbued with the authority of tradition should prosecute the search for a substance which would confer unlimited wealth upon the fortunate discoverer.
  • On these documents the new world is called America, after Amerigo Vespucci, its supposed discoverer.
  • The first of the rare earth minerals was discovered in 1794 by Gadolin and was named gadolinite from its discoverer.
  • y then, comet discoverer Wild will be 80 years old.
  • The Discoverer series of satellites provided other significant firsts for Vandenberg.
  • Aaronson was a botanist, and the discoverer of wild wheat.
  • William Gregor, the discoverer of titanium, was rector here.
  • It might be said that Laplace was a great mathematician by the original structure of his mind, and became a great discoverer through the sentiment which animated it.
  • The discontinued Harveian Institution for young men was named after William Harvey, discoverer of the circulation of the blood, a native of Folkestone (1578), who is also commemorated by a tercentenary memorial on the Lees.
  • Glenn Seaborg, the discoverer of plutonium and nine other elements, supervised Dr.
  • The letter was lying nearby, where her most unfortunate discoverer would certainly see.
  • The main discoverer had a name and a position of seniority, which prevented others from pushing his.
  • The man was still in the making, as much as the Middlemarch doctor and immortal discoverer, and there were both virtues and faults capable of.
  • He found that it curtained a sort of steep natural stairway which was enclosed between narrow walls, and at once the ambition to be a discoverer seized him.
  • The Positive Philosophy opens with the statement of a certain law of which Comte was the discoverer, and which has always been treated both by disciples and dissidents as the key to his system.