diagnose - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of diagnose in Hindi
- का निदान
- निदान करना
- पहचानना
- रोग का निर्णय करना
- विवेक करना
- प्रकट कर देना
- निरूपण करना
- ज़ाहिर करना
- तशख़ीस कर लेना
diagnose Definition
- identify the nature of (an illness or other problem) by examination of the symptoms.
diagnose Example
- It was most unkind of you to cruelly diagnose him otherwise and accuse him of being a thief. ( यह आप में से सबसे निर्दयी था कि आप उसका क्रूरतापूर्वक निदान करें अन्यथा उस पर चोर होने का आरोप लगाएं। )
- I'm not a vet so I can't diagnose the cause of your cat's hair loss, but I can give you some advice. ( मैं पशु चिकित्सक नहीं हूं इसलिए मैं आपकी बिल्ली के बालों के झड़ने के कारण का निदान नहीं कर सकता, लेकिन मैं आपको कुछ सलाह दे सकता हूं। )
- A description of the problem you are having will also help to diagnose the fault. ( आपको होने वाली समस्या का विवरण भी दोष का निदान करने में मदद करेगा। )
- The doctor used blood testing and a physical examination to diagnose his ill patient with diabetes. ( डॉक्टर ने अपने बीमार रोगी को मधुमेह का निदान करने के लिए रक्त परीक्षण और एक शारीरिक परीक्षण का उपयोग किया। )
More Sentence
- A software program was able to diagnose the laptop with a computer virus that had taken over its operating system.
- Two physicians failed to diagnose fatal cancer in Mr. Wiggins since he didn’t have the usual signs and symptoms associated with the disease.
- The cause of feline hair loss is difficult to diagnose.
- diagnose the fault.
- The only way to diagnose endometriosis is by a laparoscopy.
- We will be giving you a series of diagnostic tests to determine what English class you should be in.
- The hospital has received an increase in its budget in order to purchase new diagnostic equipment.
- The diagnosis of the illness can be quite difficult to make because the symptoms occur infrequently.
- With encouragement, a competent amateur can diagnose species and varieties without resort to parsimony analysis.
- This implies significant negotiating skills in order to diagnose, manage and reinforce the outcomes of individual motivation.
- Social workers must first diagnose the problems and then help with such practical aids as they have at their immediate disposal.
- Groucho Marx once said that politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.
- August Bier once observed that a smart mother often makes a better diagnosis than a poor doctor.
- Ambrose Bierce said that a diagnosis is a physician's forecast of the disease by the patient's pulse and purse.
- Today, mental illnesses can be diagnosed and treated effectively, so many people with these illnesses can live normal, productive lives.
- Teachers diagnose what children know and then remediate by teaching them what they do not know.
- Medical history-A full medical history work-up will be done to diagnose or rule out any other disorders.
- Your vet will have to diagnose the exact cause of your pet's illness.