chintz - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chintz in Hindi

  • छींट
  • छपा कपड़ा
  • छींज

chintz Definition

  • printed multicolored cotton fabric with a glazed finish, used especially for curtains and upholstery. ( एक चमकता हुआ खत्म के साथ बहुरंगी सूती कपड़े मुद्रित, विशेष रूप से पर्दे और असबाब के लिए इस्तेमाल किया। )

chintz Example

  • As an accent, this pink implies a 1940s-style take on decorating, when chintz floral prints and lampshades with fringe were all the rage in comfy, overstuffed living rooms. ( एक उच्चारण के रूप में, यह गुलाबी रंग 1940 के दशक की शैली को सजाता है, जब चिंट्ज़ पुष्प प्रिंट और फ्रिंज के साथ लैम्पशेड सभी आकर्षक थे, जिसमें रहने वाले कमरे थे। )
  • Fabrics varied, and included calendared or glazed fabrics of wool, plain or floral printed calicos and muslins, and glazed chintz monochrome or polychrome prints. ( कपड़े विविध, और इसमें शामिल थे ऊन, सादे या पुष्प मुद्रित कैलीकोस और मसलिन के कैलेन्डेड या चमकता हुआ कपड़े, और घुटा हुआ चिंट्ज़ मोनोक्रोम या पॉलीक्रोम प्रिंट। )
  • One half of the floor is covered in Persian rugs with chintz armchairs and red velvet couches, scattered haphazardly around the room, all covered in shawls and scarves and beaded afghans. ( फर्श का एक आधा हिस्सा फ़िनिश कालीनों में चिन्ट्ज़ आर्मचेयर और लाल मखमली सोफे के साथ कवर किया गया है, कमरे के चारों ओर बिखरे हुए हैं, सभी को शॉल और स्कार्फ और मनके अफगानों में कवर किया गया है। )
  • That was back in 1903, and the editor's room was later described as being like a woman's boudoir, with dainty wall mirrors, chintz curtains and Queen Anne chairs. ( यह 1903 में वापस आ गया था, और संपादक के कमरे को बाद में एक महिला की बाउड्री की तरह वर्णित किया गया था, जिसमें डैने की दीवार दर्पण, चिंट्ज़ पर्दे और रानी ऐनी कुर्सियां थीं। )

More Sentence

  • There was a gaily-lighted Christmas tree in the corner next to us, and with its chintz curtains, cottage-style tables and candles, the restaurant felt comfortably old fashioned.
  • In addition, ‘Tropiques,’ a polyester/cotton printed chintz , is going into more bedding and draperies.
  • Typical of fine Indian chintz , the cotton is not printed, but mordant-painted and resistdyed.
  • Smooth, shiny surfaces such as silk, moiré, chintz and silk-like looks support a more formal feeling in a room.
  • Porcelain, silk, ivory, crystal, muslin, chintz and lacquered wood were all first introduced to Europe between 1500 and 1800.
  • For curtains, go with something like percale or chintz .
  • Literally denoting a style of printed fabric, usually glazed and characterised by floral patterns, chintz mutated into a generic term in the Nineties, one usually uttered with an accompanying sneer.
  • The other two rooms were furnished with green wallpaper and rugs, utilitarian white-painted furniture, and chintz curtains.
  • She favoured floral chintz , velvet button-back chairs and mahogany antiques.
  • Cotton chintz is firm and the finishing treatment helps shed stains and soil.
  • a sofa upholstered in chintz
  • Because treasures from China have been used in decorating for centuries around the world, they will provide a nice counterbalance to a room with chintz fabrics, or a room with loads of antiques.
  • A green and purple European needlework carpet and dark maroon chintz curtains with pink flowers and blue-green leaves complemented the soft pink of the paneling.
  • Keep the floor simple by sanding and add blocks of colour in rugs in pastels that tone with billowing curtains on poles in chintz and damask.
  • floral chintz curtains
  • Moonlight streamed through the motel's chintz curtains.
  • There is no floral chintz , no shelves packed with knick-knacks; there's no ornate wrought iron, no statuary, no bookshelves.
  • Houses have plenty of wallpaper, lace curtains, chintz sofas, and wood floors.