developer - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of developer in Hindi

  • डेवलपर
  • विकासक


  • डिवेलपर
  • आगे बढ़ानेवाला
  • उत्तमता तक पहुंचानेवाला
  • बना देनेवाला
  • पैदा करनेवाला
  • शुरू होनेवाला
  • तरक़्क़ी देनेवाला

developer Definition


  • a person or thing that develops something.

developer Example

  • I was a slow developer ( मैं एक धीमा डेवलपर था )
  • In 2005, Blizzard purchased the Southern California console developer Swingin' Ape and incorporated the team as Blizzard Console. ( 2005 में, बर्फ़ीला तूफ़ान ने दक्षिणी कैलिफ़ोर्निया कंसोल डेवलपर स्विंगिन एप को खरीदा और टीम को बर्फ़ीला तूफ़ान कंसोल के रूप में शामिल किया। )
  • Pasadena, Calif ., developer and maker of electronic media products ( पासाडेना, कैलिफ़ोर्निया।, डेवलपर और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया उत्पादों के निर्माता maker )
  • Gaithersburg, Md ., developer and marketer of medical services.  ( गैथर्सबर्ग, एमडी, चिकित्सा सेवाओं के विकासकर्ता और बाज़ारिया। )

More Sentence

  • Tempe, Ariz ., developer of a wireless data broadcasting technology
  • Another developer who defaulted on a city loan was Paul Guillaro.
  • Developers must put 10 percent of their own equity into the project
  • -- BOB MAKEY, a Chicago real-estate developer.
  • The video game developer and publisher Capcom is perhaps best known for a few key franchises: Street Fighter, Mega Man and Resident Evil, though they have contributed many memorable games over the years.
  • One of the most successful low-cost attacks on the market recently was staged by the Croatian developer Croteam and their publisher, God Games.
  • After the developer made a fix, again it is retested.
  • I was not a terminator but acted as a developer of people.
  • A property developer called Saxon Banks based in Melbourne.
  • I should explain that the developer and the president were.
  • The developer and the president began a conversation in rapid-.
  • For a while he had a good job as a games developer at Crossfire.
  • Alix, a name that fit perfectly with the Unix developer conven-.
  • EA (Electronic Arts) and developer Crytek (the creators of Far Cry) are serving up a new gaming experience later this year: Crysis.
  • The other partner is George Codling, a San Diego developer.
  • This subdivision is owned by another local developer, David Dretzin.
  • They contended that the developers should contribute toward a new school.
  • Her fiance, independent software developer Tom Robison, uses Quicken.
  • A developer is going to have a major input into this.
  • The story of Crysis has yet to be fully unveiled, though developer Crytek has alluded to an alien infested planet with extremely hostile conditions for the human player characters.
  • a property developer
  • photography paper in a trough of developer