dessertspoon - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dessertspoon in Hindi
- मिठाई का चम्मच
- दो ड्राम की नाप का चम्मच
- मझोली चम्मच
dessertspoon Definition
- a spoon used for dessert, smaller than a tablespoon and larger than a teaspoon.
dessertspoon Example
- Personally, I like these cakes highly spiced and use at least 1 dessertspoon aniseed and 1-2 tablespoons cumin. ( व्यक्तिगत रूप से, मुझे ये केक अत्यधिक मसालेदार पसंद हैं और कम से कम 1 मिठाई चम्मच सौंफ और 1-2 बड़े चम्मच जीरा का उपयोग करें। )
- using a dessertspoon, add the caster sugar a spoonful at a time at 10 second intervals, keeping the mixer on high speed. ( एक डेसर्ट स्पून का उपयोग करके, मिक्सर को तेज गति पर रखते हुए, १० सेकंड के अंतराल पर एक बार में एक चम्मच कैस्टर शुगर डालें। )
- As with cafetiere coffee, the golden rule of thumb here is a rounded dessertspoon, or seven grams, per cup. ( कैफेटियर कॉफी के साथ, यहां अंगूठे का सुनहरा नियम एक गोलाकार मिठाई चम्मच, या प्रति कप सात ग्राम है। )
More Sentence
- Using a dessertspoon, add the caster sugar a spoonful at a time at 10 second intervals, keeping the mixer on high speed.
- With only 29 calories a dessertspoon for mayonnaise and a mere 15 calories for salad dressing they're well worth dipping into.
- put a dessertspoon of the cooled strained rhubarb into four glass ramekin dishes.
- As with cafetiere coffee, the golden rule of thumb here is a rounded dessertspoon, or seven grams, per cup.
- Allow 1 level dessertspoon corn flour to ½ pint milk.
- Even if several people are tasting desserts, each should have a fork and a dessertspoon, she opines.
- Should a fourth be necessary, a dessert spoon, for example, it should be added when the course is served.
- The hospital says he threw the dessertspoon at a nurse and threatened to retaliate if the matter was investigated.
- He said the hospital's cost-cutting managers had previously tried to persuade him to use a dessertspoon, but he refused.
- Proceed as in recipe for Savory Omelet, but substitute a dessertspoon castor sugar for the onion and parsley.
- dessertspoon oil, and then whisk.
- Put a dessertspoon of the cooled strained rhubarb into four glass ramekin dishes.