dermatitis - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dermatitis in Hindi
- जिल्द की सूजन
- चमड़े का प्रगह
- त्वचा का प्रदाह
- त्वक्शोथ
dermatitis Definition
- a condition of the skin in which it becomes red, swollen, and sore, sometimes with small blisters, resulting from direct irritation of the skin by an external agent or an allergic reaction to it.
dermatitis Example
- Contact dermatitis from olive oil, which is often adulterated, was noted by Greenberg and Lester (1954 ). ( जैतून के तेल से संपर्क जिल्द की सूजन, जो अक्सर मिलावटी होती है, ग्रीनबर्ग और लेस्टर (1954) द्वारा नोट किया गया था। )
- angelica root oil in a 62 year old woman with dermatitis around the eyes was reported by Larsen (1975 ). ( लार्सन (1975) द्वारा आंखों के आसपास जिल्द की सूजन के साथ एक 62 वर्षीय महिला में एंजेलिका रूट ऑयल की सूचना दी गई थी। )
- The new drugs do not cure atopic dermatitis; nothing does. ( नई दवाएं एटोपिक जिल्द की सूजन का इलाज नहीं करती हैं; कुछ नहीं करता। )
More Sentence
- Most urticating hairs range in effect from mild irritation to dermatitis.
- Dermatitis herpetiformis symptoms include itching, stinging and a burning sensation.
- Chiropractic spinal manipulation lacks evidence to support its use for dermatitis.
- The tea caused a recurrence of contact dermatitis in one case.
- Manifestations included subcutaneous nodules, anterior eye lesions, and dermatitis.
- As some types of dermatitis are contagious, dogs showing symptoms should be isolated.
- As a rule, in adults with seborrheic dermatitis treatment with Biotin alone is usually of no value.
- Dermatitis: Dermatitis can be caused by allergies to plants, pollens, soaps and external parasites.
- They might also have some early food allergic complications or atopic dermatitis during their infancy.
- In children, excessive vitamin A intake can cause seborrhoeic dermatitis.
- Contact dermatitis results in large, burning, and itchy rashes.
- atopic dermatitis, the cold sores can, in rare cases, spread to larger parts of the body.
- canine atopic dermatitis is an allergic skin disease most commonly caused by an exaggerated immune response to house dust mites.
- commoner causes of contact dermatitis from woods in France (Zafiropoulo et al.
- All saw improvement in their atopic dermatitis without any adverse events.
- Low concentrations cause a common skin condition known as seaweed dermatitis.
- Prolonged and repeated skin contact may cause irritation and possibly dermatitis.
- It is also associated with Asthma, atopic dermatitis and Diabetes.
- conium maculatum L. Poison Hemlock, Carrot Fern Dermatitis from the plant was reported by several authors cited by Touton (1932 ).
- contact dermatitis over.. .
- P Patch test A skin test that can show which substances are causing contact dermatitis or eczema.