derliction - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of derliction in Hindi

  • कर्तव्य का त्याग


  • त्याग
  • उतसर्ग
  • कर्तव्य का त्याग
  • परित्यक्ति
  • कर्तव्य त्याग
  • च्युति

derliction Definition


  • the state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.

derliction Example

  • Every year valuable gardens start the slow slide to dereliction ( हर साल मूल्यवान उद्यान धीरे-धीरे विलुप्त होने की ओर बढ़ते हैं )
  • This will reduce the demand for new buildings in the countryside, provide jobs and help avoid rural dereliction. ( यह ग्रामीण इलाकों में नए भवनों की मांग को कम करेगा, रोजगार प्रदान करेगा और ग्रामीण उपेक्षा से बचने में मदद करेगा। )
  • dereliction of the Incline site itself, by reversing nature's claim over the remains. ( अवशेषों पर प्रकृति के दावे को उलट कर, इनलाइन साइट का ही अपमान। )

More Sentence

  • Due to the dereliction in the performance of her duties, the nanny was fired because she would go to parties instead of watching the baby.  
  • Elderly nursing home patients may suffer from severe bedsores due to the dereliction of their caretakers who are not taking care of their patients.  
  • When the farmer began to work another job in the city, the dereliction of his horses caused them to grow skinny from not being cared for.  
  • When the vandals spray painted the churches in the neighborhood, their dereliction could be felt by their lack of remorse for their crimes.  
  • dereliction of responsibility and call into question the very purpose of the MMTA.
  • dereliction of this area.
  • dereliction of traditional stone buildings is leading to loss of local landscape character.
  • The principle does not apply to the cost of tackling dereliction.
  • He feels it may indicate a certain dereliction of duty, or even something more serious.
  • By not going the official route I run the risk of dereliction of duty and perhaps even treason.
  • Anyone who gets drunk until this emergency is over will be severely punished for dereliction of duty.
  • The trial counsel continued in a monotone, The general nature of the charges in this case is dereliction of duty.
  • Around the dereliction there are many hundreds, maybe thousands of grave mounds, a few with posts driven into them.
  • I am loath to provide the vehicle for his unscrupulous ravings and his dereliction of his duties as an impartial juryman.
  • If this dereliction is allowed to persist, it is predictable that more Americans will die, both on foreign battlefields and at home.
  • Both Will and Bonkers looked drawn and ashen as they unbelievingly took in the scene of neglect and dereliction that confronted them.
  • Restoration Filled landfills offer opportunities for landscaping and development of public open space in areas of former industrial or mining dereliction.
  • Rather, a gross dereliction of duty or recklessness is needed.
  • Ironically, the extensive legacy of post industrial dereliction also proved to be an asset.