deputation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deputation in Hindi
- नियुक्ति
- प्रतिनियुक्ति
- शिष्टमण्डल
- नियुक्ति
- शिष्टमंडल
- नुमायंदों का दल
- प्रतिनिधि की नियुक्ति
- प्रतिनिधि-मंडल
deputation Definition
- a group of people appointed to undertake a mission or take part in a formal process on behalf of a larger group.
deputation Example
- He had been a member of a deputation to Napoleon III ( वह नेपोलियन III के प्रतिनियुक्ति के सदस्य थे )
- The deputation also urged the Transvaal to join the South African Customs Union. ( प्रतिनियुक्ति ने ट्रांसवाल से दक्षिण अफ्रीकी सीमा शुल्क संघ में शामिल होने का भी आग्रह किया। )
- In 1877 the provincial deputation was re-established, but it was not until 1895 that the home government attempted, far too late, to enact a series of adequate reform measures, and in November 1897 followed this by a grant of autonomy. ( 1877 में प्रांतीय प्रतिनियुक्ति को फिर से स्थापित किया गया था, लेकिन यह 1895 तक नहीं था कि गृह सरकार ने पर्याप्त सुधार उपायों की एक श्रृंखला को लागू करने के लिए बहुत देर से प्रयास किया, और नवंबर 1897 में इसके बाद स्वायत्तता प्रदान की गई। )
More Sentence
- According to the statement of the deputation from the Remi to Caesar (Bell.
- It states that any deputation waiting on a Minister or member after a demonstration is limited to six.
- Then he invited a deputation of the people to come in and search his house if that they misdoubted his word.
- George will be quickly put on the fast track programme and foreign deputation will follow in a year.
- If people wanted something done, they went in a deputation to the minister, escorted by their local member.
- She proposed that a deputation from the council should meet with the Minister for Education to stress the importance of the need for new schools in the town.
- Mustasim sent a deputation to Hulagu, stalling for time, but it was too late to surrender on favourable terms.
- There was besides a provincial commission of five lawyers named by the governor-general from the members of the deputation, who settled election questions, and questions of eligibility in this body, gave advice as to laws, acted for the deputation when it was not sitting, and in general facilitated centralized control of the administrative system.
- Others had been carried off into slavery, and a deputation of clergy which Patrick had sent to ask for their release had been subjected to ridicule.
- Pope Gregory III., menaced by the Lombards, invoked the aid of Charles (739), sent him a deputation with the keys of the Holy Sepulchre and the chains of St Peter, and offered to break with the emperor and Constantinople, and to give Charles the Roman consulate (ut a partibus imperatoris recederet et Romanum consulatum Carob sanciret).
- The defiance to Austria was emphasized when, on the 4th of June, he promised a deputation from Genoa that he.
- The Cortes envoyed Henry a deputation, presided by Febo Moniz.
- A deputation presented a motion to Gilruth that stated in part:
- The Deputation, however, was not satisfied with the plan.
- The deputation especially protested the stud sheep exports to Africa.
- The deputation accepted the proposal on November 12, 1920.
- Many teachers visited on deputation and promoted Hindustani classical Music.
- A deputation was selected to go to the Japanese headquarters.
- In July 1791 Camille appeared before the municipality of Paris as head of a deputation of petitioners for the deposition of the king.
- Under the short-lived republican government in Spain Porto Rico was in1870-1874a province with a provincial deputation, and in 1873 slavery was abolished.
- He was one of the deputation sent to invite King Otho to accept the crown of Greece, and was made rear-admiral and then viceadmiral by him.