dent - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dent in Hindi

  • काटने का निशान
  • गड्ढा
  • निशान
  • कटाव
  • खाँचा


  • काटने का निशान
  • ग़ार
  • दांत
  • दांता
  • कंगूरा
  • गढ़ा
  • काटने का चिह्न


  • धंसाना
  • अंदर ठूंसना
  • पिचकाना
  • काटने का निशान करना
  •  काटना

dent Definition


  • a slight hollow in a hard, even surface made by a blow or by the exertion of pressure.


  • mark with a dent.


  • dental.
  • dentist.
  • dentistry.

dent Example

  • A dent in profits ( मुनाफे में सेंध )
  • As much as she ate, she didn't seem to dent the plate of food. ( जितना उसने खाया, खाने की थाली में सेंध नहीं लग रही थी। )
  • There was a large dent in the passenger door. ( यात्री दरवाजे में एक बड़ा सेंध थी। )
  • We're here to put a dent in the universe. ( हम यहां ब्रह्मांड में सेंध लगाने के लिए हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Memory is heel, lonesome is dent, I a person coexistence.
  • Losing the match made quite a dent in his ego.
  • The dent on the wing of our car can be beaten out at the garage.
  • dent by the movement of the index needle.
  • Dent readjusted the thick ice pack on his injured right knee.
  • It has no marks, no dents, and no scratches.
  • Dent was to earn $ 1.65 million next season.
  • This barely makes a dent in a two billion dollar problem,
  • But none of that heavily dents the upbeat mood in business.
  • I think Jim Dent has as much talent as any player,
  • Carefully melt the crayon and let it drip into the dent.
  • Financial setbacks have not put a dent in his political spending.
  • Look for cracks, dents and holes in $ all surfaces.
  • It's difficult to see dent in a sentence .
  • Dent figures he's living proof that anything is possible.
  • So far, however, the difference is only a dent.
  • I am firmly convinced that we are in a growth dent,
  • She jumped back and stared the dent in its side.
  • The repairs to my car have put quite a dent in my wallet.
  • Rising fuel costs have put a serious dent in our profits this year.
  • After the fender bender, the car’s owner had the dent repaired by the auto body shop pulling it out and smoothing it over.  
  • Russell did a karate chop as hard as he could on the thick board only creating a small dent in it instead of breaking it in two.  
  • The large stone flew up from behind the truck hitting the motorcyclist’s helmet so hard that it left a dent in it.  
  • As usual, Christmas left him with a large dent in his pocketbook.
  • Even the billions of dollars of aid promised to Africa will only put a small dent in the widespread poverty found in certain parts of the continent.
  • The boys put a big dent in the front of the fridge when they were playing hockey in the kitchen.
  • The government's tax increase will put a sizeable dent in the average worker's paycheck.
  • Jacobsthal, "Die musikalische Bildung der Meistersinger" (Zeitschrift fur dent.
  • The consequences were the Belgian Revolution of 1830, The which ended in the intervention of the great powers, Belgian and the setting up, in 1831, of Belgium as an indepen- Revolu- dent kingdom.