defy - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of defy in Hindi
- अवहेलना
- अवहेलना करना
- उपेक्षा करना
- चुनौती देना
- ललकारना
- अनादर करना
- तुच्छ जानना
- उपद्रव उत्पन्न करना
- अवज्ञा करना
- विरोध करना
- विद्रोह करना
- उल्लंघन करना
defy Definition
- openly resist or refuse to obey.
defy Example
- his actions defy belief ( उसके कार्य विश्वास की अवहेलना करते हैं )
- I tried to defy them once. ( मैंने एक बार उन्हें टालने की कोशिश की। )
- Algebra and geometry were the only studies that continued to defy my efforts to comprehend them. ( बीजगणित और ज्यामिति ही एकमात्र ऐसे अध्ययन थे जिन्होंने उन्हें समझने के मेरे प्रयासों को टालना जारी रखा। )
- They wished to defy Europe in order to maintain intact the treaty of San Stefano, and again M. ( वे सैन स्टेफ़ानो की संधि को बरकरार रखने के लिए यूरोप की अवहेलना करना चाहते थे, और फिर से एम। )
- It was, however, the first attempt ever made to defy the papal bull. ( हालाँकि, यह पापल बुल को ललकारने का अब तक का पहला प्रयास था। )
More Sentence
- Old enough to defy me every chance he had.
- To defy her odds of getting cancer, she decided to eat a vegetarian diet rich in antioxidants.
- Kim decided to defy authority by violating the dress code as evidenced by her purple hair!
- Her mother warned her against behaving in such a manner that would defy her religion.
- In order to peacefully insist upon rights, the protesters promise not to defy the constitution.
- The Danes, the southernmost branch of the Scandinavian family, referred to by Alfred (c. 890) as occupying Jutland, the islands and Scania, were, in 777, strong enough to defy the Frank empire by harbouring its fugitives.
- The emotion she displayed seemed to defy duplicity.
- Winters in south-central Arizona defy the laws of nature.
- It often defies logic and certainly takes its toll on optimism.
- It restores the heart and defies the gravity of the world.
- More women : From Golfweek comes an item that defies separatism.
- The longevity of some careers in Hollywood sometimes defies conventional logic.
- The trust and affection that develops can often defy logical analysis.
- They are doing nothing less than defy public opinion . ..
- The reality, however, defies the slogans on both sides.
- Between the two rivers, but somewhat farther inland, stood Sylleum, a strong fortress, which even ventured to defy the arms of Alexander.
- Champion of the papacy and in secret league with the Lombard cities he was able to defy the common enemy, Frederick II.
- go now, defy him to the combat