cardinal number - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cardinal number in Hindi
- बुनियादी संख्या
cardinal number Definition
- a number denoting quantity (one, two, three, etc.), as opposed to an ordinal number (first, second, third, etc.). ( एक क्रमांक संख्या (एक, दो, तीन, आदि) के रूप में, क्रमिक संख्या (पहली, दूसरी, तीसरी, आदि) के विपरीत। )
cardinal number Example
- There is a story that it was used as prefix to a number when it was supposed to be read as a cardinal number instead of an ordinal number (#21 = read this as twenty first instead of twenty one). ( एक कहानी है कि यह एक संख्या के लिए उपसर्ग के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया गया था जब इसे एक क्रमिक संख्या के बजाय एक कार्डिनल संख्या के रूप में पढ़ा जाना चाहिए था (# 21 = इसे इक्कीस के बजाय बीस के रूप में पढ़ें)। )
- Defenders of the latter thus resorted to ad boc banishments of such propositions into the realm of meaninglessness; to assert that green is not a cardinal number , they said, is to be guilty of a ‘category mistake.’ ( उत्तरार्ध के रक्षकों ने इस तरह के प्रस्तावों के तदर्थ निर्वासन को अर्थहीनता के दायरे में ले लिया; यह कहना कि हरे रंग का कार्डिनल नंबर नहीं है, उन्होंने कहा, एक mistake श्रेणी की गलती के लिए दोषी है। ' )
- The mistakes they make resemble closely the kinds of errors that younger English-speaking children make in the course of mastering the cardinal number names of English. ( वे गलतियाँ जो त्रुटियों के प्रकार को बारीकी से मिलते-जुलते हैं, जो छोटे अंग्रेजी बोलने वाले बच्चे अंग्रेजी के कार्डिनल नंबर नामों में महारत हासिल करने के दौरान करते हैं। )
- In Chinese, ordinal names are created by adding a prefix to the cardinal number name. ( चीनी में, कार्डिनल नंबर नाम के लिए एक उपसर्ग जोड़कर क्रमिक नाम बनाए जाते हैं। )
More Sentence
- So far we've only talked about the most basic mathematics - arithmetic and an inbuilt notion of cardinal number .
- Zorn made other contributions to set theory, such as his 1944 paper Idempotency of infinite cardinals in which he proved that an infinite cardinal number is equal to its square.
- For finite sets, the cardinal numbers are the whole numbers.
- Research on the acquisition of cardinal numbers in the two languages will be discussed first, before predictions about the acquisition of ordinal numbers are described.
- I described the U.S. incursion into Cambodia using only the cardinal numbers and the # sign.
- This pattern of language differences for ordinal numbers is reminiscent of findings for cardinal numbers in a number of ways.
- The top panel of Figure 2 presents the median level of abstract counting with cardinal numbers , broken down by age and language.
- The ancient Greeks had different systems for cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers so we must look carefully at what we mean by Greek number systems.
- So we see that the word ‘and’ never appears in the written or spoken representations of any cardinal numbers !
- Let us consider another simple sort of pattern, small cardinal numbers .
- Furthermore, ordinal numbers are less frequently encountered than are cardinal numbers .
- Three kinds of abilities were assessed: Ability to count with ordinal and cardinal numbers , ability to apply ordinal numbers to objects, and understanding of ordinal concepts.
- Quite different properties of cardinal numbers are implied by the poem's stanza, even if qua sonnet its antecedents reach no farther back than Ted Berrigan's fourteen-line accumulations.
- In 1885 Cantor continued to extend his theory of cardinal numbers and of order types.
- Cardinal Algebras presents a study of algebras satisfying certain properties which capture the arithmetic of cardinal numbers .
- Mathematics is an area in which one often must master multiple, related symbol systems, such as Arabic numerals and names for ordinal and cardinal numbers .