defrost - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of defrost in Hindi

  • डीफ्रोस्ट

defrost Definition


  • free (the interior of a refrigerator or freezer) of accumulated ice, usually by turning it off for a period.

defrost Example

  • defrost the turkey slowly ( टर्की को धीरे-धीरे डीफ्रॉस्ट करें )
  • A basic microwave oven should be able to cook, defrost and reheat. ( एक बुनियादी माइक्रोवेव ओवन को पकाने, डीफ्रॉस्ट और फिर से गरम करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। )
  • The frozen water will defrost gradually during the trip so the dog can drink when thirsty. ( जमे हुए पानी यात्रा के दौरान धीरे-धीरे डीफ्रॉस्ट होगा ताकि प्यास लगने पर कुत्ता पी सके। )
  • Defrost the dough in the fridge for eight hours or overnight. ( आटे को आठ घंटे या रात भर के लिए फ्रिज में डीफ्रॉस्ट करें। )

More Sentence

  • To serve, unwrap the pies and defrost at room temperature.
  • To serve, defrost, if the chicken has been frozen.
  • It takes longer to defrost meat this way, but it will add storage life after it's been cooked.  
  • This follows a spate of car thefts from driveways last winter, where engines were left running to defrost windscreens.
  • To serve, defrost, if the potatoes have been frozen.
  • _Don't defrost meat and poultry on your countertop.
  • Avoid using the microwave to defrost the meat because this process can make the flesh tough and rubbery.
  • The finish is stainless steel and the 13.5 inch turntable and super fast defrost setting can accommodate small to medium cooking containers.
  • Rinse corn in a colander under cold running water to defrost.
  • Defrost the pies in the refrigerator then bake as directed above.
  • Never defrost ground meats, poultry or seafood at room temperature.
  • It's difficult to see defrost in a sentence .
  • The condenser / evaporator fan will not run during defrost mode.
  • This dehumidifier has an internal defrost system that prevents frost build up on its inner coils and allows for operation in areas with temperatures as low as 55 degrees.
  • The warm drink and the warm fire helped his body and mood defrost.
  • She had instructed the computer to do a rapid defrost of four more crew members.
  • Unless we defrost someone else, then you and I are the best able to handle this.
  • defrost the fridge well in advance.
  • At least defrost the sashimi properly before dinner hours or charge less.
  • To serve, defrost if frozen or return refrigerated brownies to room temperature.
  • I let the contents slowly defrost and transferred it to another container.
  • He replaced it and saved the rear window's defrost elements from damage.
  • Heat on floor, defrost air directed to the windshield.
  • Don't defrost a turkey in the microwave oven.
  • They come with drawers or a door and generally feature auto defrost.
  • defrost at room temperature.
  • defrost for 4 hours and reheat in a warm oven for 20 minutes.
  • she opened the door to let the fridge defrost