debt - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of debt in Hindi
- कर्ज
- ऋण
- उधार
- कर्तव्य
- आभार
- कर्ज
- कर्जा
- नामे
debt Definition
- something, typically money, that is owed or due.
debt Example
- the firm is heavily in debt ( फर्म भारी कर्ज में है )
- a way to reduce Third World debt ( तीसरी दुनिया के कर्ज को कम करने का एक तरीका )
- Our debts will be paid off and we shall have cash in hand to a considerable amount. ( हमारे कर्ज का भुगतान किया जाएगा और हमारे पास काफी मात्रा में नकदी होगी। )
- As soon as he saw he could not pay his debts he stopped spending and notified his creditors. ( जैसे ही उसने देखा कि वह अपने कर्ज का भुगतान नहीं कर सकता, उसने खर्च करना बंद कर दिया और अपने लेनदारों को सूचित किया। )
More Sentence
- These very debts and difficulties were his best friends now, and kept him steady to his task.
- You know that you recover scarcely ten per cent on debts from these fine gentlemen.
- The debt was incurred before I took over.
- The following table shows the increase of the funded debt since 1814.
- In 1909 the state had a debt of £302,270.
- They were making money on it, but there was so much debt to begin with.
- I am deep in your debt, my most gracious lord and master.
- Your debt to her is done.
- I am simply collecting on the debt, as is my obligation.
- Thus two debts are liquidated, without the transmission of a farthing in money.
- But, then, most of these men were in earnest, and meant to pay off their debts loyally.
- In many places, however, the great majority of debts were for less than ten dollars.
- Suzanne, whose debts would make racy reading, had quaked every time she opened it.
- He had made debts and difficulties for himself during that wild, foolish time at Paris!
- We forbade her to pay their debts to Ali, because he has too urgent need of money just now.
- It has been said that they wrote them merely to pay their debts when they found that poems did not pay.
- I must further allow myself a few notices, if only as an acknowledgment of debts that cannot be paid.
- Such earnings may be invested in property and it will be exempt from seizure for debts of her husband.
- To such a pass had things come that all people wanted to pay their debts and no one wanted to be paid.
- The money came in time to rescue her from a prison; but the payment of her debts left her penniless.
- But they had no house, and could not furnish one without incurring debts which would be a severe clog on their future industry.
- we owe them a debt of thanks